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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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What Do They Want from Us on a Snow Day?


February 1, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Snow Day

I’m just wondering if I am the only one in the entire world who feels this way…

One of my kids has something they need to talk to me about now.  The other needs help with homework.

My phone is pinging with texts.  Work called with an emergency as my husband walks through the door starving – and needing to talk about ‘something important.’

Laundry is piled in the corner, the house is a mess, the dog needs to go out and the volume in the house is coming to a fever pitch.

Who ARE those people who just walked through???

Facebook friends are mad I haven’t answered their posts and I keep promising myself  “I will work out today.”  NOT!  Finally, I fall into bed, leaving only a fragment of me for my husband.  Happy marriage honey.

Crazy Thing

In conversations with other parents and spouses, I found out this crazy thing…  I am not alone.

The stalking feeling that we should be all things to all people and simply can’t leaves us with an empty feeling of guilt, self-defeat and regret.   We have help with these feelings.  There is an enemy that wants us to fail and constantly whispers in our ear, do more… it’s not enough… a little more… you’re not finished yet.”

How do we combat this?

Something I have started fighting for, every day, is to start by reading my Bible .  By fighting, I mean pushing things out of the way, and clawing my way to my reading room.  Sometimes every step in that direction feels like a personal war with 100 good reasons to stop and help the family or do some chore to make the day go.

The enemy will use the tool of guilt and distraction to keep us from the ONE THING that will help us through the day.  GOD!

Everyone knows the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  But He is too much a gentlemen to yell for our attention.  But it doesn’t mean He doesn’t want it and we don’t NEED it!

Not Alone

So here is the thing. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

We ALL feel this way.  It’s normal! We don’t have to accomplish more or be all things to all people.

All we have to do is start our day alone with Him.  Even 15 minutes of prayer and reading can change our day in ways that we can’t even imagine.

I want to give you a ray of hope and a challenge at the same time.  Right now – commit to taking 15 minutes in the beginning of the day to  spend with Him.  Everything will change.  You don’t have to believe me, take Him at His Word.

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  1. Pam says:

    Thank you, I needed that!

  2. Shelly Gefroh says:

    Loved it Pastor Nicole. Thank you so much for all your inspiration and taking the time to not only take care of your family and church but US too. As I take out my 15 minutes this moring, I will be praying for you and thanking our daddy for you and your family. Keep Pressing On. We Love You!

  3. Tawanna says:

    Pastor Nicole,
    I love your blog! I’m that woman you described with the house gone wild some times. Yes it is such a fight to find time to read the word at times. The enemy aims for what we hold important, our kids, our marriage, etc. So let me stop going on while the house is quite I’m going to take advantage of it, not with getting more things done, but feeding my spirit so I can carry on and be what He called me to be. There is such encouragement in your writing!

  4. Patti says:

    There is a song, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love…” This blog is going to be my spark to dedicate those 15 minutes every morning and I am going to dedicate another 15 minutes in the evening, before bed. Thanks for lighting that fire under me, with all the cold and sleet it will help to keep me warm. 🙂

  5. gayle hicks says:

    well said. thnk you pastor nicole.

  6. Rebecca Parker says:

    Love this! I am sure a lot of women out there and some men too, feel the same way. They just have to remember to start their day with God, go with the flow and try there best, God will help them get through everything if they invite Him in to help. Thank you for the reminder. I set my alarm everyday for 30 minutes earlier than I need to be up just so I can have that quiet time before anybody else gets up to read my bible and reflect on what God has done for me and to declare safety, health and wholeness over my family,myself, church family and friends. I will admit, I sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, so I don’t usually get that quiet time. Think on those days I need to go hide for 10 or 15 minutes to sneak it in. lol Maybe the bathroom!!! lol It’s okay that you don’t respond to everyones comments, we that know you and love you know you are very busy. Just make sure you take time for yourself everyday, even if it’s only 10 or 15 minutes. It makes a world of difference for not only you but everyone else in your life, especially God!!! Love ya!

  7. Debbie says:

    Thanks, P. Nicole. I literally had to take up my Bible and move from room to room yesterday. Not too many places to go in a condo! I decided I am going to ask that person(s) to please respect my Bible time and WAIT to turn on the TV!

  8. Debbie Varadin says:

    Pastor Nicole thanks so much for sharing. Just the challenge I needed!

  9. Carrie Westbrook says:

    Thank you Pastor Nicole for writing thus blog!! I am looking forward to reading it again and again and again and well you get the picture. 😉

  10. Angela says:

    Thank God for Pastor Nicole even when she is going through her struggles unkowingly she help millions. Thanks Pastor for helping me out today it’s as if you are at home with me. Love this blog

  11. Linda Pollard says:

    Pastor Nicole I just love your blog..You are such a blessing..Love ya..

  12. Jennifer says:

    Pastor Nicole Thank You! It is truely a struggle every morning not to start something or click the computer on to check the weather instead of just taking that time.. I feel like that is also Me time. My day really does stay more focused.. not saying that all of the craziness has changed.. but it just is not as bad.

    Thanks for your blog!

  13. Jonnie Vitale says:

    That’s an ESSENTIAL word!
    As for “Who ARE those people who just walked through???” feelin’ya.:)

  14. Nicole Crank says:

    I love the feedback and the honesty that is coming forth in the comments! The important thing to know is the WE ARE NOT ALONE! These feelings and challenges approach everyone.

    So keep the thoughts coming. I find typing it out makes me think too. A good reflective time. So what are YOU thinking???

  15. Cheryl C. says:

    Love your blog! I myself am guilty of the same thing, while I’m doing that load of laundry, dishes, or even my homework I tend to let my mind stray and think what has to be done next? I worry about those I love, think how or what should I be doing for someone else, when I seriously need to be taking the time out for God.
    Every night when I’m done with every task I feel needs to be accomplished, I get my Bible off the nightstand, start reading, and sometimes when I start reading it’s like a sedative….I’m out like a light! The FIRST part of the day will be my new routine.
    Thank you!!!



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