A girl at the Earth City Campus came up after service to talk to me.
She said, “Pastor Nicole, I’m not saved. I can’t pray that prayer. I’m not LIVING RIGHT yet.”
I said, “Oh Sugar! If you wait until that happens, you’re NEVER going to make that decision!”
“I’m saved AND a pastor, and I’m STILL not living right!”
We Have To Be Honest With Ourselves
Every single day we:
• MESS something up.
• Think a HATEFUL thought.
• BLOW our top.
• Get in PRIDE.
• DOUBT ourselves.
Every single day, we DON’T measure up!
But God loves us UNCONDITIONALLY anyway. It’s a gift that we can’t ACHIEVE on our own, we just have to RECEIVE it.
Unfinished Chapters
Do you relate to this? Sometimes I wake up in a PANIC and sit up in bed from a deep sleep…unable to breathe.
There’s SO much MORE that I was supposed to have accomplished by this point in life! So much I was supposed to do yesterday. And I just don’t know how to catch it all up tomorrow.
I just have to remember – God is not finished with me, YET! And He isn’t finished with you either!
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Hebrews 12:2 (NKJV)
We may not be who we WANT to be. But, thank God, we certainly AREN’t who we USED to be!
Prayer For Today
“Father God, thank you that You love me even though I’m far, far from perfect. Because You haven’t given up on me, I promise not to give up on myself! So that I can allow You to do a work IN me. In Jesus name, Amen.”
Do you recognized an area of your life where God is still working on you? Would you share and encourage us all?
WOWzers!!! This hit home. For me, I settle and accept average or even good, but I deserve sooo much more!!! And I thank the man above for not giving up on me, especially when I’m ready to give up on my own self.
I needed to hear that! At 37 years, raised in a pastoral family, I have EXACTLY been thinking, “I’ve wasted so many years, I am not where I am supposed to be in Christ”. And I was feeling so sad. But perfect timing! God’s word arrives just on time; thank you Pastor Frank! It’s never late, and I will enjoy my current journey of raising my teens, helping them off to college, and continuing to be a beautiful family in Christ raising two beautiful adults-to-be in Christ. The journey is not over! He’s not done with me yet!