My heart’s DESIRE is all about building churches and changing people’s lives.
That’s MY starting mark and the REAL reason I was born …to communicate!
But my dreams and desires are NOT really my own. I didn’t CHOOSE this plan for my life, God chose it FOR me.
I won’t be successful trying to be like anyone else, so I just have to be ME!
God created the perfect BLUEPRINT for each of our lives, and then He put the DESIRE to fulfill it in our hearts.
A lot of people try to make their OWN plan then PLEAD with God to bless it.
But if we’d just find out what HIS plan and purpose for our life is…it’s ALREADY been blessed!
When we RESOLVE to focus on that one thing, we’re putting the past behind us and establishing our STARTING MARK for the future.
“… I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13 (NLT)
Start From Where You Are
Just like the little red DOT on the map at the mall shows you, YOU ARE HERE!
Map out your desire; make a CLEAR-CUT goal and write down HOW you’re going to work to achieve it.
Stop meandering and being DISTRACTED by stuff that’s not in your plan.
Run The Race To Win!
God will help us to accomplish our GOAL. After all, He’s the One who put the DESIRE in us in the first place.
We already have EVERYTHING we need contained in our spirit, soul and body.
Let’s get on our MARK, get SET…and GO-AL!
The map to my life is already planned and I just need to set the goals and reach for them.
Awesome post Pastor!!!