Isn’t it funny, how most people spend more TIME and EFFORT planning their next vacation than they do planning their own lives?
Don’t allow life to just HAPPEN to you; blowing you about like a leaf in the wind, and then dropping you wherever a recession or government shutdown takes you.
Let’s not wait around until January 1st to take ACTION.
I want US to be ahead of the game, and have our clear-cut GOALS mapped out for 2015, right NOW!
Visible Road Map
I remember when David and I found out that this big church building in Sunset Hills was for sale. We were so EXCITED!
I really felt like God wanted us to have it. So I staked our claim. “It’s OURS!”
I took pictures and posted them on the walls in my office, along with scripture to support my CLAIM. Nothing fancy, but that was my GOAL.
Sure, it was totally UNREALISTIC. But if God wanted us to have the building, He would help us just like he helped Solomon.
I had a VISIBLE road map to my destination that I kept before my eyes until my DREAM eventually became my REALITY.
Wild Goals!
I believe in having LOGICAL goals.
I also believe in totally unrealistic, unattainable, WILD goals that make us dream so FAR OUT of our reach that ONLY God could make them happen!
Don’t worry. If it’s God’s WILL…then it will be God’s BILL.
Let’s get busy NOW setting our goals for the coming year, and then GO ALL IN to make them happen.
Do you have goals for the new year? Leave them in the comments below.
My goal for 2015 is taking Real Estate classes to become an agent and becoming such a success it far surpasses my hopes of it just providing a second income. This is a seed planted in my heart for many years and I am FINALLY taking the steps!
As the new year approaches I have begun to look at goals for 2015! I do not have them complete but do feel that 2015 is gonna be amazing!
Greetings Pastor Nicole,
Thank you and Father God for the article this morning. Your post is exactly what my husband and I recently discussed. I don’t want to bore you with all the mundane details, but we are new to the St. Louis area and I’m seeking God’s plan for me in this new phase of my life.
One of my primary goals is to know and ACT on God’s plan for me…believing on Jer 29:11. I believe the scripture with all my heart. I just have to see the vision like Habakkuk 2:3 (well, more like waiting for the vision…then I know it will come to pass).
Grace and Peace unto you, Veronica.
I just graduated from nursing school. I am looking for my first job as a nurse. God has seen me on this long journey and I know he will continue to provide!
I have SEVERAL goals set up for myself and my family for next year! My work goal is to add 10 closings to what I did this year which will not only add to my commission income, but also my bonus level too. God has blessed me at work so incredibly much these past 2 years since we began tithing…truely unreal! As far as our family goals-our 2 vehicles WILL be paid off this year then we’ll move onto paying off our house in super speed! We are also going to make more family time a priority and goal in itself, which is so very hard to do, but is a MUST. So excited for what 2015 has in store for us and others striving for the same things!!
In my 20’s my goal was to work with Autistic children. I accomplished that in my 40’s. In my 30’s my goal was to get off hard drugs and give my children a better life than I had growing up in the Chicago projects. I accomplished that goal in m early 30’s when I was born again May 31st, 1986. I have always wanted to go to a third world country but I want to help drug addicts, unwed mothers, children from a poor environment.