A good coach doesn’t let you off easy, quit practice early, or tell you to head home when you think you’ve done enough.
A great coach:
-pulls out of you what you didn’t even know was in you.
-says give me 10 more.
-believes more in their players than the players can see.
-doesn’t let a winning team slack off.
One of the hardest things about leadership is being the “NO” person. Bringing order things get loose. And CORRECTING. Sheesh!
I’ve never met a leader that got excited and said, “Guess what? I get to correct somebody today!” Conflict days seem to be our least favorite, BUT these days yield the most growth. Why?
Our team can’t get better if we don’t challenge them. And the longer we leave a small problem alone, the bigger and more complicated it becomes.
We don’t want to make the same mistakes over and over or for our teams to stay at the same skill level they are today. We want growth!
So, the buck stops here. With us. WE determine whether or not a few minutes of potential discomfort keep us from pulling the best out of someone and keep the organization heading the right direction.
We lose, the organization loses, and the very person we hedge to correct loses too.
God showed me a vision of my arm bent at the elbow and hand drooping. With my hand, I pushed my arm up ever so slightly. He said, “without pressure, things naturally decline.”
That ‘pressure’ to be BETTER on our team, family, organization, relationship is what keeps it from naturally declining. Not pressure that gives you a headache. Positive reinforcement coupled with challenge that asks for just a little more than we would do by ourselves.
That’s your opportunity coach. Positive pressure. You can do it! I know you have it in you!
Excellent reflection just what I’ve been praying about and need to hear.Have a bless day Nicole!
Thank you, Pastor Nicole! Thanks, Lord! So spot-on for me!
I’m in I know that sometimes well most of the time stretching out of my comfort zone isn’t easy but has come with big rewards. That’s one of the many reasons I love Faith Church and my pastor’s because they push me to dream and dream big. So lead me, teach me, and stretch me to the woman God intended me to be love you PN
Cynthia you can do it! Stretch yourself!
Pastor Nicole, I need help.. I go to faith church in Sunset hills. I am needing someone to talk to. I am feeling lost, confused, depressed, scared. I have had suicidal thoughts, I need help please.
Thankyou for this message PN
Pastor Crank,I’ve been a follower of Christ for 10* years and I’ve been reading and watching you guys for about a year and love it.Preaching the uncompromised word of zgod…nothing like it,however,I have a question from my son,who’s seeking to find the truth and would like your take(and Daves) to this question(1 of many he has)”Didn’t God set us up to fail by placing the tree in the garden ALREADY knowing we would eat of eat.
This does if you care to not,in any way,waiver my faith,but i need help answering it for him
This is so on point and so on time! Thanks for this Pastor Nicole!
“That ‘pressure’ to be BETTER on our team, family, organization, relationship is what keeps it from naturally declining.” . This is incredibly true. The most fulfilled and successful lives are those with consistent “pressure”… those in the relentless of pursuit of “better”, “faster”, “more effective”. It’s interesting how resting on our oars makes us actually feel worse, while the pains of growth does wonders for our overall sense of well being. Thank you for this post. It was right on point, Nicole.
You are so welcome! So glad it touched home for you!!
Enjoyed your post on “Tuesday’s With Sam Chand,” Pastor Nicole. Spat on… God bless you!!