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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Are You Missing Out?


June 7, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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king's throne

You are royalty.

I don’t know that I have EVER felt royal…

Well for more than a moment.

There have been those times, like when I first tried on my wedding dress.

The world faded away into a blur for a moment.

A Narnia wardrobe experience happened as I saw a glimpse of myself as something I always thought I wanted to be.

Then noise and reality started creeping back in quickly as someone literally ran into me in the little, cramped, undecorated country wedding dress shop I was in.

I was horrified that the showroom floor sample dress I was wearing, which was on sale for $100, almost got ruined by the lady’s soda spilling everywhere.

Royalty moment easily brought back to reality.

Royalty vs. Reality

Does life really have to be one or the other?

It feels that way. I feel an ocean apart from Kate and William – and that’s not the physical travel.

I’m not certain what they did for their honeymoon, but I’m pretty sure it did not involve searching for a good travel deal on the internet like we did.

So how could they be royalty and me too?


Easy, smeeshy.

It works like this.

I have royalty in my bloodline. If you trace it back, I actually have a royal heritage. You see my Father (John 1:12) is a king. Not only a King, but the King of kings. (Rev. 19:16)

Right now, you’re probably saying – mmm, hmmm. Yeah, yeah. I have HEARD this. Maybe you have heard it, but I don’t think you have really investigated it and are living in it.

Kingdom rights and privileges are something that WE have to understand and operate in. The Bible lines them out for us, but unless WE take advantage of them – we are missing out!!!

Are you missing out?

We were at a hotel a couple years ago. We have credit card points and are a part of the hotel points club. When we checked in, we were upgraded to a club level floor for the first time. AWESOME! The room was bigger and there were free water bottle and little touches like that.

Every time we walked down the hall though, we saw this room that you needed a key for. We saw a couple people open to door and it was a beautiful two-story room with buffets set out and music playing. We thought that it would be so amazing to be allowed to go in and just look around. But you needed a key.

On our last day, we were talking about being hungry and wanting some food but not having time to sit down and order food before we had to catch our flight. The bell man suggested we run into the Club Lounge and grab some of the free breakfast.

Ummmmm, Club Lounge? With FREE food? He then told us how our room keys open the door to the beautiful room we always wanted to go in and everything in there was free for us.

We had missed it because we didn’t investigate our rights and privileges on the Club floor.

Don’t be like we were. Don’t miss one more minute of life where you have the keys to the beautiful room, with free food and people to help. Being royalty is an automatic upgrade that comes with being a child of the King.

It is time to live royally.

The rights and privileges that we should be living in is what we are talking about at our women’s conference this Friday and Saturday. If you are a lady, I wouldn’t miss it!

It will be an experience that is designed to change the way you are living your life because of the sacrifices made for us by Jesus. You have the key. You have the rights to live this way.

Join us as we explore everything God has for you and start living the royal life!

Its not too late to purchase your tickets to this year’s women’s conference. Don’t delay, there are only a limited number of tickets still remaining. Click here to register today, and we’ll see you on Friday night!

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  1. Shelly Gefroh says:

    I already am feeling like a princess and so ready for the weekend. Luvya!

  2. Kelley says:

    I am looking so forward to the womens convention. Im sure we will all be blessed with an awesome word. Love you Pastor Nicole!

  3. crystal boney says:

    Thank you for such a timely word! I look forward to your future blogs!(:



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