I remember times when life was hard because INSECURITY had a firm grip on me. I don’t know if I would’ve made it through… if not for JESUS!
When I transferred to a new high school, I wanted more than anything in the world just to fit in. I would do WHATEVER to get invited to a party. (Haven’t we all?)
If other kids planned on drinking… “I’m IN!” If some guy wanted to hold my hand…“Why not?!”
So, it doesn’t take long to figure out how I became a pregnant, unwed mother at 17 years old.
I felt like I’d FAILED and my whole life was over. What could I possibly accomplish, now?
But, God had a plan to use for GOOD, everything that I so desperately wanted to hide!
Now, my incredible son, Austin, and his beautiful wife, Morgan are campus pastors, leading our church in Florida.
It just goes to show you; God will kick over the rock that we thought was our tombstone and use it for a STEPPING STONE to lead us into something so much BETTER!
Stop running away from your life! God still has big plans for you. You’re NOT what you did. You’re the COMEBACK KID!
Do you sometimes feel like you’ve made a big MESS of your life? (“Yes” or “No”) Welcome to the club! Lol
Continue reading on page 169 of Hi God, It’s Me Again and fill out pages 165-168 of the Journal and Study Guide.