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I like to lie on the couch and eat ice cream. If I am not careful, my FLESH would tell me to act on that craving all the time. I have to wage war against ice cream! When I resist the urge to eat ice cream and choose healthier options, I’m going to feel BETTER […]
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Made a New Year’s RESOLUTION or scribbled down some GOALS this year? Yeah, me too. I get really excited about doing that every year. One of my goals and resolutions every year always has to do with fitness, my body, LIVING LONG, living STRONG. I resolve for things like good blood pressure, for my cholesterol […]
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Life can be COMPLICATED! So what do you do to make it through the times in life when you need guidance, somebody to have your back, encouragement or strength? The Best Book EVER Maybe growing up, you had a family BIBLE somewhere in the house with a perfect cover and pristine pages. A pretty display […]
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As I looked at Instagram and got to enjoy a window into the Christmas celebrations of friends and family around the globe, my heart smiled. I start listening to Christmas music the day it comes on in November, and I am sad when it goes back to ‘regular programming’ the very day after Christmas. So […]
Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off.
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