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I can’t tell you how many times I’ve just been walking along in my life when I’ve felt as if someone was turning up a GAS BURNER underneath me for NO apparent reason! Circumstances start to BOIL around me, and I’m not sure how to SURVIVE the FRYING PAN without jumping directly into the FIRE! […]
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Have you ever tried to make someone FEEL how much you love and appreciate them, but NOTHING seems to get through to them? Or the other person says they appreciate you, even though you don’t feel it? So many relationships have COMMON DISCONNECTS whether between neighbors or married couples. This has been a problem for […]
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Don’t you hate being trapped on an airplane with a stewardess that’s just downright EVIL? Me too! We had just finished boarding and the aisle was finally clear. Then this SWEET older gentleman slowly got out of his seat and shuffled the 8 rows toward the front. He politely asked the stewardess if he could […]
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I just made it through airport security by the skin of my teeth, BUT IT WASN’T MY FAULT! Or was it? As we checked into the ticket counter we were told we didn’t have a ticket. Which is a real problem when you need to get on a flight. What happened? Because it can’t be […]
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What’s in your crack? It might be more than you think. It’s the elusive crack that we allow things to slip into that keep our lives, companies, organizations, churches or homes from being excellent. So I decided to go crack diving. Thank goodness there wasn’t a plumber around! (Yep, just went for the cheap joke) […]
Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off.
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