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Have you ever had something SO SCARY and SO SHOCKING happen to you, that you suddenly felt like you were in the middle of a movie? That happened to me as I went to pick up my daughter from school on Friday. I was sitting at a red light, when SUDDENLY two guys jump out […]
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Have you ever played that game where you roll the dice, and IF you roll a certain number you get a present? Or even better, you get to TAKE a gift from someone else! Somehow, inevitably, one gift is the pretty one, the biggest one or the shiny one. Or one is somehow deemed to […]
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I drive a 2008 vehicle. It’s SILVER, so it doesn’t show any dirt. It’s QUIET on the inside, so I don’t hear all the craziness of the outside world. And I think the ride is pretty SMOOTH. The miles are still fairly LOW. But the best thing of all is the HEATED seats. Because, no […]
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There are times in my life that I’ve encountered so much OPPOSITION! I’ve struggled, strained and wondered what all the junk was about anyway! Sometimes I’ve wanted to quit, and other times I actually have. You know it’s the extreme PRESSURE over a long period of time that turns a dirty hunk of coal into […]
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I’m going to TRY and tell you about a time when I blew it. I hope I can tell it honestly enough. My husband and I ride to the office together more often than not. It’s the only few minutes that we have alone. No kids, no team, no church members. Just us taking a […]
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