I still remember the first time we looked at buying the ENORMOUS property that would eventually become our Earth City Campus.
- The MASSIVE square footage!
- The THOUSANDS of light bulbs!
- The ACRES of asphalt!
- The ASTRONOMICAL utility bills!
- And the IMPOSSIBLE financing!
It all weighed heavy on my spirit. It was just too BIG to FIT inside of me…yet.
Something In Common
In the book “Built to Last” by Jim Collins, he examines VISIONARY companies that have experienced AMAZING success.
According to his research, these companies not only profited FINANCIALLY, they also impacted the world in SIGNIFICANT ways.
The most undeniable COMMON characteristic of these visionary companies was that every one of them had a BHAG….Big Hairy Audacious Goal!
Pushing Boundaries
The Bible is full of visionaries who had OUTRAGEOUS goals; some so big that it SCARED them.
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Ester, even Jesus: They all had daunting tasks that took real GUTS to believe in.
In my case, it was a process. God had to STRETCH and EXPAND my boundaries in order for me to understand His BIGGER VISION for our church.
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2 (NIV)
All In!
Whatever your field, we should continually keep PUSHING to expand our TERRITORY of influence.
While I was studying one day, God showed me something pretty cool about the word “goal”.
What a GOD idea! Push back the boundaries and GO ALL IN!
By setting Goals and GO/AL God can help me to achieve more through him as I am a willing vessel for him to move me.
Nicole, thank you for these words of wisdom!
I just started my own business for the sole purpose of giving back, paying it forward, and being able to financially support Missions, the homeless, the needy, the hungry, and children’s hospitals. I want to give big job opportunities to those that no one else has given a chance.
It has been a difficult start, but I know if I keep God first, He will bless my endeavors. Thanks for the needed boost. XO