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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Busting Your New Year’s Resolutions Already?


January 3, 2014


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Busting Your New Year's Resolutions Already?

I like to lie on the couch and eat ice cream.

If I am not careful, my FLESH would tell me to act on that craving all the time. I have to wage war against ice cream!

When I resist the urge to eat ice cream and choose healthier options, I’m going to feel BETTER about myself. But that’s not WHAT I WANT NOW!

It’s the same way with every other craving I have that isn’t what God wants for me. We have to WAGE WAR. War against selfishness, white lies, pride, ugh!!!

“Let’s throw off any extra baggage, and get rid of the sin that trips us up…” Hebrews 12:1

HOW do I Stop???
Resisting temptation means we walk by faith and set ourselves up to WIN!

TRUST God’s will for our lives instead of thinking that our plans are better.

PAUSING on moving forward fast on something just because IT FEELS GOOD.

Set up an ACCOUNTABILITY partner that we trust to call us out when we are weak. Just let me try to buy a gallon of ice cream at the store with my hubby there. (Did I say gallon?)

When we overcome temptation, we are going to make good decisions and our hearts will be at PEACE. It might be hard in the MOMENT, but it is GREAT in the long haul.

“Let the peace of Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts…” Colossians 3:15 amp

The Holy Spirit is like an UMPIRE in our lives. He wants to give us clear calls – “You’re out of here,” or “You’re safe!” That’s what the PEACE of God will do for us in any situation.

God’s Best for YOU!
He’s going to let you KNOW when you need to get out of a relationship or how to avoid trouble so as not to burn any bridges.

He’s going to let you KNOW when it is safe to move on from one job to another or to go from an old house to a new one.

The word knowing in scripture is often an INTIMATE term. The connotation is that you have a deep and personal relationship with whom you know.

GOD KNOWS YOU intimately and better than anyone. This means He is the BEST umpire we could ever hope for.

Let the peace of God DIRECT your life, which means setting aside extra baggage that will trip you up. And putting the ice cream down 🙂

Prayer for the Day
God, thank you for directing my steps. You are a FAITHFUL God; help me to walk by faith in you. You tell me that the victory is mine but that the battle is yours. I CLAIM victory today. I CLAIM your peace. Amen.

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  1. Rainy( Tina) Meeks says:

    Pastor Nicole..Thank you for God using you..I quit smoking 5 months ago and was doing so awesome in stopping no urges ect..but for the last 4 days I have been smoking again..and I found myself so disappointed in myself..because I overcame this on little simple addiction..but because I let my guard down and didnt walk by faith I started smoking again..and I dont like I am as of today stopping smoking..I started because I just felt overwhelmed and needed a outlet instead of using God as my outlet..I believe God used you to tell me hey..I am here use dont need to smoke..and then you posted this to me is confirmation that I did in fact let my flesh over ride Gods ability of helping me..I feel so ashamed that I went back..considering I have never went back to drugs why am I allowing myself to go back to smoking..its such a simple thing to overcome..I appreciate all that you do threw God to help me and so many teaching us that if we lean on God we can conquer everything..Pastor Nicole if you only knew the love I have for you and Pastor David for teaching me all the tools I need to get threw because God puts it on your heart to teach us..With God and your love I know I can do anything I set my mind to..I just want you to know you all make a difference in so many of our lives..and we are so grateful..again Thank you God and Pastor Nicole for helping me..huge hugs and love..


  2. Please Pray for me, Ia’m having surgery Tuesday January 7 to cut out a section of pluged vein they can’t get to replace it with a artifical one. I aways have trouble coming out of anniticate So I’am asking if you will pray everthing goes fine and I w ake up with no problems. The main artery in the leg. Thank you and God Bless, I watch every Sunday. Again I say thank You . Doris from Otterville Illinois.

  3. Angie Jones says:

    Walking by Faith is so hard to do at times. However, the more faith steps I take the more confident I become in what he is calling me to do and the more clarity and direction I receive. Allow God to direct you today…if you have not heard him in a while…sit still and know he is there. I have found that often I am talking too much and he is trying to talk to me!

  4. b.Marcell says:

    An accountability partner!!!! …that’s good!!! Got it!!!



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