In the 1932 World Series, Babe Ruth stood at home plate and CONFIDENTLY pointed his bat toward the flagpole in center field.
On the very next pitch, he CRUSHED a 440 ft. home run to the deepest part of Wrigley Field.
“I said I’m going to hit the next one right over the flagpole. God must have been with me.” Babe Ruth
The Power Of Visualization
Salespeople successfully use this technique on us ALL the time.
“Can you SEE yourself driving this car? Can you IMAGINE your furniture in this house?”
Eventually, we say, “Yes, I CAN see it!” And the next thing you know, we’re trying to figure out the financing!
Limited Vision
I heard a story about two men in Hawaii who stopped in front of a fabulous estate owned by the late Elvis Presley.
The rich man said to the other, “Can you IMAGINE living in a house like that?” The other man said, “No, I sure CAN’T!“
Then the rich man said, “And you never will. Because you cannot BE what you cannot SEE!”
“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)
I Can Imagine!
I truly believe that our subconscious minds have the ability to PUSH our lives in the direction of our DREAMS.
But first, we have to see ourselves…
- OCCUPYIING that corner office!
- BURNING that mortgage!
- LEAVING that hospital completely healed!
- STROLLING on that beach with our spouse!
- WRITING that big check for missions!
God has created us for GREAT works. If we could only SEE what HE sees in us.
GREAT POST!!!!!! Praying a solid expansion for us all! Be blessed!
Dream Bigger! Hold onto the vision…knowing that God placed the vision and dreams in me and if he placed them…he will help me achieve them!