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Getting hit doesn’t only hurt on the outside, it hurts on the inside, too. My ex-husband physically abused me—broke my rib, and herniated the C7 disc in my neck. (So much for restraining orders.) It took me a while to really come BACK from all that. He threw me through a wall. He kicked through […]
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I didn’t marry David until Austin was seven years old. So, I remember what it’s like being a single mom— trying my best to be BOTH mom and dad, on my own. I think anybody with parents that split up, anyone adopted, or who grew up not even knowing their dad or mom— we tend […]
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I was born to my mom, in Canada, and got adopted in the US by my stepdad, when I was three years old. When they tried to issue me an American passport— they couldn’t find any record of me. It was like… I DIDN’T EVEN EXIST! That fact really threw me off. I felt WORTHLESS— […]
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Someday, I’m gonna go on an African safari. I truly believe that! I’m gonna get my picture taken with a real live giraffe. I just KNOW it! (And, I’m still holding out hope for that singing career!) Those things are gonna happen. But first— I gotta ASK! I have to write down the vision and […]
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In the first grade, I think we start asking kids the WRONG question. “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” I watch people, all the time, that walk through life totally frustrated because there’s this thing THEY want to do. But NEVER in the Bible, does God EVER say, “My dear […]
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