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Years ago, a well-meaning doctor tried to convince me to have a certain radical procedure. If I DID, I could never have another baby. If I DIDN’T, I would be going against medical advice and my insurance wouldn’t pay for anything else that happened. I needed a second opinion. Hmmm… I’m my own second opinion […]
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Years ago, David and I were in Jamaica for our anniversary when the forecast started warning about a tropical storm heading our way. We were flying out ahead of the storm, so we really didn’t think it would be a problem. Sitting at breakfast one morning, I was praying and thanking God for the nice weather He had […]
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We were down in Miami for a conference and my husband was driving and I was navigating. (Well, to tell the truth, Siri was navigating. I was just doing what Siri said. Right?) Dog… it was confusing! There were these three lanes. It looked like we were supposed to go straight, but we were, actually, […]
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Before I was a pastor, I had a job working in technology sales. I was hired by the corporate office and sent to a branch where I was the ONLY woman on the sales team. At first, it didn’t really bother me. Then, I was told that the local management team didn’t want a female salesperson in their office. They made my life TOUGH! There were many days when […]
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I hate when I’m hearing but not really LISTENING. There’s a song, “Counting Stars” by One Republic, that I really like. It has a COOL grove and I love the beat! One day, David and I were just singing along with the song. But, there’s a line of lyrics in there that we really didn’t […]
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