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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Change Is In The Air


May 16, 2013


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Nicole Crank - Change Is In The Air

Change is in the Air

Just last week it was 9 o’clock in the morning, almost mid-May, but still ONLY 48 degrees in St. Louis.

That doesn’t make ANY sense at all. The season was supposed to have changed!

It was supposed to be WARMER, we were supposed to have SUNSHINE and it was supposed to feel GOOD outside.

The calendar says it’s SPRING…but I was just NOT feeling it!

Behind the Scenes

Just because we don’t FEEL it, doesn’t mean that the seasons aren’t changing all around us.

Even though it still feels COLD and DEAD, the grass is getting greener, the leaves are coming back and the flowers are starting to bloom again.

Actually, everything is on the brink of coming back to LIFE!

Matter of fact, this week it finally feels like the spring we have been waiting on!

A Long Winter

That makes me think about how OLD seasons are ending and NEW seasons are beginning in our lives.

Sometimes it seems like we’re waiting a LONG time for certain situations to change in our lives.

We don’t always SEE it. We don’t always necessarily FEEL it.

But UNDER THE SURFACE, our new season is in the process of happening, NOW.

Just Around the Corner

In just a few days, the weatherman promised that it was going to be 75 degrees outside.

And guess what, what they said came true.

And now I want to tell you something about what is coming in your life.

God takes us from glory to GLORY and victory to VICTORY.

I speak over our lives, today, that our GLORIOUS new season is GOOD and it’s waiting to unfold just aroundthe corner!

What About You?

Do you see a new season beginning to bloom in your life? Share it with us so we can all be encouraged!

And That’s Not All

The I Am Woman conference is right around the corner on June 7 & 8 at Faith Church in St. Louis.

A small $35 registration affords ladies entrance to an EXPLOSIVE (and you have to come to see what I mean) 2 days of speaking with T.D. Jakes favorite Dr. Cynthia James, Cindy Thomas (a personal favorite of mine) and a weekend beyond what you can imagine!

Catered food, fantastic after party, surprises to make you smile and productions that will wow you are all in the works.

Want a little something extra? Check out the premium tickets and the reserved seating that get you right up front in the action.

Or, you could buy a Scholarship ticket for a woman who could not afford to come any other way. We have several women from local charities that will be attending the event even though they couldn’t afford a ticket 🙂

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  1. Marti Adams says:

    Oh it’s for sure changing !! I was blessed with the. Mission trip to West Palm ! Totally in awe !!

  2. Gwen Crocker says:

    I have been saying for a few weeks that the rainbow at the end of my storm was going to huge and beautiful. This message speaks loud and clear to me. I think it was written for me. With everything changing in my life ( for the good) sometines it feels like the devil is throwing the old baggage, the past, the regrets and trying to get me to focus on the old and what should of been done, but I have faith its all almoat over and the new life is going to be fantastic and not everyone in the old life can come into this new life. This past year and a half have been one knock down after another. At 53 I thought my life would of been set, but obviously God had a better plan and I’m looking forward to what is instore for me! There is no limit when God is in it. ( I Love that song)

  3. Beth says:

    Pastor Nicole, THANK YOU for sending out your blogs every week. Today I have been feeling down & I ask God to send me a word of encouragement & here you go doing what the Lord has put on your heart by sending out these messages. I love it when the Holy Spirit works like this. I know He will NEVER LEAVE ME OR FORSAKE ME & this proves that.
    Thank you again, Beth

  4. Tara says:

    Thank you for that message Pastor Nicole! I’ve been feeling stuck in the same season…a season of infertility. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for well over a year and have gone through fertility treatments and 2 miscarriages. I have 2 more weeks til I find out if this round of treatments worked. But in all honesty, I’ve learned that it doesnt matter what the doctors do for me….cause God is in control of it and He is my HEALER! I cant look at it like I’m waiting for the ‘season’ to change…cause it’s already changing. I just cant see it yet….but I will :). God Bless you Pastor!

  5. Marti says:

    It was so nice to “meet” you at Elevate Life this weekend! I’m from Springfield, MO and totally know what you mean about the weather there! I also really enjoyed listening to Pastor David’s Podcasts. They were also encouraging!

    Glad you spoke at our church this weekend at SHE. Thanks so much and God bless you both!




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