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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Do We Appreciate Good Things?


June 20, 2013


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Do We Appreciate Good Things?

The other night, I found myself alone in the house…and I just sat down and CRIED!

I cried out of GRATTITUDE, out of THANKFULNESS and out of the feeling of not being worthy of all the good things in my life.

Lately, I’d been too busy to fully APPRECIATE those moments that I’d been given.

But now, I’m thankful to tears and full of GRATEFULNESS from the bottom of my toenails to the top of my hair!!!

Press Pause

In the book of Psalms we see the word “Selah” used a lot. It means to PAUSE and THINK about this.

What I’ve realized, is sometimes in the moment when good things are happening to us we can’t possibly process EVERYTHING at once.

We’re so busy or so tired, that we get all caught up in the excitement and miss focusing on the JOY of just being GRATEFUL.

We can go ahead and know, that we have PERMISSION to pause and think about the good things in our lives.

Consider the Moment

We may be overwhelmed with our kids and their activities, and not sure if we’re truly ENJOYING these times. Don’t worry, we are! Just take a moment.

We may be busy moving into a NEW home or transferring our things to a NEW car, and we’re not sure if we’re quite as excited as we should be. Don’t worry, we are! Just slow down for a moment.

If things are hectic at the job that we prayed for, and we don’t know if we’re really thankful enough for God’s PROVISION. Don’t worry, we are! Just relax for a moment.

Our days have become so routine, that we may wonder if we still APPRECIATE the spouse that’s stood by us all these years. Don’t worry. We do! Just reflect for a moment.

We Know

The enemy comes in immediately to try and steal our joy.

He tells us that we didn’t properly acknowledge our blessings, so don’t count on ever receiving anything else that’s GOOD.

But we ARE happy because we KNOW that we’re TRULY thankful.

We DO understand the MAGNITUDE and the goodness of what God is doing for us.

What are you smiling about?

That eye-opening MOMENT comes, when we stop and take a purposeful few minutes to make a space for it. Possibly right NOW?

In fact, we may be walking down the street and suddenly realize that we’re SMILING!

Then we remember WHY we’re smiling, and that just makes us SMILE all the more!!! LOL

If today’s blog made you think about something that you’re thankful for, please tell us about it in the comments below and share it with the world!

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  1. Leanna says:

    I am thankful for spending the week with my son at boyscout summer camp and seeing him grow into a fine young man

  2. Kristin says:

    I am thankful His mercies are new every morning!

  3. Kay Hanse says:

    I have been told I’m an inspiration because of my amazing outlook on life. The road I have a walked has been full of heartache and struggle but also great joy. 13 years ago my son was killed by a drunk driver and 6 years ago I became a single mother. My life is not easy but it is blessed with 2 amazing children and a few great friends. This year has had more challenges and financially we are in despair but I know I’m on the right path. I have found my life’s purpose and that is creating health in the lives of others. Have a wonderful day!

  4. jackie blaha says:

    Imagination makes me smile. The silliness of being able to put goofy things on paper and make some one laugh. The imagination of my son and the art he sees, his ability to put it on canvas. The comments of my relatives that make me laugh due to their imagination. My friends that imagine it all. So I am grateful for imagination. Imagination gives us every dream even if it is momentarily.

  5. Michelle says:

    Perfect timing !!!! Great blog today 🙂

  6. Faith says:

    I’m grateful…for a loving heavenly Father that has given me an opportunity through my calling as a radio talk show host to share his amazing love and provision to many who may never hear other wise. THANKS Pastor Nicole for sharing your moments of gratitude!

  7. Shelly says:

    It’s so good to be vulnerable enough to share the private moments of God’s workmanship in our hearts. His love is everlasting and never failing. He loves a joyful heart and obedience. We have nothing to loose and everything to gain in LIFE with Him. Blessing upon your day!!

  8. Diane says:

    I am grateful for God for sending his beloved son Jesus who was innocent but suffered and was tortured and died to save us from sin. He provides unconditional love for us and will give us the gift of joy if we give all our problems and negetive attitudes to him and surrender all to him. That is what I am grateful for because without Him my life would be worth nothing.

  9. Sarah Alvers says:

    I was just talking with my sister, she lives in New Mexico. I had sent her a DVD on one of Pastor David’s sermons. She commented that she understood now why I didn’t want to leave my church and move to New Mexico. You see, all my family lives there, and since I now live by myself, she always wanted me to move back, but now she gets it. So Pastor Nicole, the best appreciated thing I have found in life is how close I am to God, and had I not found this church, I would not have the peace I now have. So I thank God everyday for you and Pastor David.

  10. Cheryl Morris says:

    Great blog today pastor Nicole, I have so much to be thankful for in my life starting with my wonderful family. My family is always there for me when I need them they always know how to cheer to me up when I am down. My family is amazing I am so blessed to have them in my life. I am thankful for all of my wonderful friends that I have in my life. I love my friends they are like my family I don’t know what I would do without them. My friends and I all share a special bond that can’t be broken. I love how my friends are always there for me when I need someone to talk to or just need a shoulder to cry on. I am very thankful for God because without him I wouldn’t be where I am today. God has given me all the wonderful people and blessings in my life and I can’t thank him enough for everything that he has given me. I am so thankful that my aunt brought me to faith church two years ago. I was going through a difficult time with loosing my friend at 15 and when my aunt brought me there I felt like I had a new family. I Thank god each day for everything that he has put in my life. I love have you and Pastor David as the pastors of Faith church. Pastor Nicole you both are amazing at what you do.

  11. Linda says:

    I’m thankful that instead of rushing through and not taking the time to read, another email, a devotional, another fb post, I stopped and read your blog today.., and I remembered. I remembered many loving moments with my mother, my husband, my children, and how those precious memories didn’t all get lost in the hurry that we put in our lives way too often. No the time did not fly by, it all happened in just the right amount it was supposed too, and I so appreciate that I was aware of that while it was, and is happening. Thank You for pointing out how important it is to revel in how good God is to us, wether we were/are paying attention, or not!
    Also, I am thankful that after many years of wondering, the Amplified Bible defined what the word “Selah” meant! =)

  12. Kristin says:

    Thank you Nicole for this wonderful message. I cannot say how many times I’ve felt so overwhelmed with just trying to be the best at everything I do and never slow down long enough to appreciate the help that got me there. Thanks for easing my mind that thru all the busy trials in life, it’s ok to sit down and take that break for the good moments. 🙂

  13. Susan says:

    Thanks so very much for reminding me of this today! Amen and amen!



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