The disciples were out in a boat during the greatest STORM they had ever experienced in their lives.
The winds were totally AGAINST them!
The Gospel of Mark records that they were rowing as HARD as they could, but were NOT making any progress.
Have you ever felt that way?
Is It You?
In the middle of this INCREDIBLE storm, they see someone walking on the water right past their boat.
Peter thinks it MIGHT be Jesus, or it might be a ghost?
I’ve been there many times. When something supernatural happens, I’m thinking, is this GOD or could it be the DEVIL?
The question is, in the middle of OUR storm when we can’t SEE His face, will we still recognize God’s voice?
Ask The Right Question
Peter’s not sure…so he asks, “Lord, is it you?” Jesus answers, “Yes!”
Then, you have to admire old Pete. Unlike myself, he asks a totally DIFFERENT question then I would have asked.
I would probably have begged Jesus, “If it’s You, make this storm STOP! God if it’s you, work a miracle and SAVE us. Please, just get us to the other side before we drown!”
Bid Me To Come!
But that’s not what Peter did. He asked God, “If it’s You, bid me to come!”
Instead of a miraculous exodus from the storm, he’s asking for a COMMAND from God!
Increase Our Faith
Today, I want us to reflect on a couple of things.
#1 Do we recognize God’s VOICE even when we can’t see His FACE?
#2 Will we just ask God to DELIVER us out of our bad situation?
Or in the middle of our storm, will we be BOLD like Peter and ask Him for a command that will increase our FAITH?
Thank you for this post! It’s so funny that this morning on my way to work I was listening to Pastor David’s message titled Incline Your Ear. Then I got to my desk & opened your email and I said “wow I think God is trying to tell me something” :). Pastor Nicole your message was very encouraging, thank you for your daily post. I appreciate you. Thank you~ Maria T.
God has a way of getting His point across, doesn’t He? 🙂