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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Do You Not Fit Sometimes?


January 6, 2014


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Do You Not Fit Sometimes?

I was at a conference and they were the ‘cool kids’ – or at least it seemed that way at the time. They were connecting with everybody, laughing, joking and having a great time. And it seemed like everyone around was on the exact same page in life…..EXCEPT ME.

I just wanted to fit in and be like them, except the Lord did not want me to be the round peg that they were. I COULDN’T be the round peg that they were even though I wanted to. I am just…..oval I guess.

And Then…
Then in worship during that very conference God told me, “You’re not gum on the bottom of their shoes.”

It was one of those moments in worship that God made himself REAL to me and the tears flowed. Being different isn’t always easy, but it is what makes you SPECIAL, UNIQUE, and CALLED to the purpose God created YOU for.

Do you remember Stuart Smalley from SNL? “I am pretty, I am smart, and gosh golly people like me.”

God was giving me a Stuart Smalley moment. He moved me from a SURVIVING mentality to a THRIVING mentality.

The Evil Plot
Christ was tempted by the devil out in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. He had not done anything wrong, but the enemy wants to SEPARATE us from our heavenly Father – especially when we are walking in faith.

I had not done anything wrong when I tried to connect with those ladies, but the wicked one was trying to cast doubt into my mind about my WORTH.

Why does Satan want to make us doubt who we are in Christ? Because God has set us apart for BIG plans!

“Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the fame of Him went out all about the region.” Luke 4:14

Use It to Thrive
The enemy knows if we start making money we are going to give to those in need, and he doesn’t want that to happen.

The enemy knows if we have a great a testimony that we are going to share it to encourage others. He doesn’t want that to happen.

You were not sent to the Earth to SURVIVE life, but God sent you here to THRIVE in life.

Don’t let your differences make you shrink back from the crowd. They are EXACTLY what sets you apart from the crowd. They are your platform! They are the thing that you can do that other people can’t!

God, I pray that we see through Your eyes. That we can see how You purposefully created us in ways we may not have understood in the past, but You show us how to use those very things for Your glory. God I pray that you show us how to THRIVE in life in the exact arena that you created us for! Amen.

Have you thought of yourself as ‘different’ or not cookie-cutter in the past and God has shown you how to use that to propel you to the destiny He has for you? Share that with us!

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  1. Alicia Steward says:

    Pastor, thank you! Yes, I have always felt as though I didn’t fit in in most situations! I, like you, would see all of the “cool people” and say to myself wow, look at that person. They have it ALL together or if I could only be like that then I would move ahead in the business world even though I totally didn’t endorse the way they did business or life in general. It seems as though those people are the ones that get ahead! What’s up with that? Ha-but I know God has made me the way he has for a purpose and that as I move forward in 2014 the things he has put in me to do in business are starting to come together. I have thought I couldn’t do it for so many years but this is the year in Jesus name!!

  2. Tryna Gierer says:

    Very much needed this word today, thank you Pastor Nicole!

  3. Angie Jones says:

    God has made me to be unique. Life for me filled with organized binders, schedules and more. At times in the past….people laughed at me and resisted this organization gift in me but I have realized now that it was preparing me for what God had planned for me. Being the best me I can be is all I can be.

  4. Lisa Y says:

    Pastor Nicole – thanks for such an important reminder, especially with the New Year, new Goals, redefining who God made me to be and becoming my best authentic self. This lesson is a continual journey for most, and one I share with my daughter often. I pray no matter where you go, God always uses your message of where you’ve been to change peoples lives. You certainly have mine.

  5. Debbie says:

    Thank you I need to hear this..



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