I have a purse that someone gave me. I LOVE this purse!!!! When I got it, I was SO excited that I literally jumped up and down.
But I would NEVER have saved up and bought it for myself. I guess I thought it was TOO nice…I didn’t really ….deserve it.
That’s the way I feel about God’s love a lot of the time. I wonder if I could ever deserve it. It’s too…nice.
The truth of the matter, God loves us because HE’S good, not because WE’RE good. And certainly, not because we DESERVE it. Or could ever deserve it!
God Just LOVES Us…Unconditionally!
We can’t do ANYTHING to make God stop loving us…because we’re His children.
He doesn’t love us because we’re GOOD enough.
▪ We can’t PRAY enough.
▪ We can’t STUDY our Bible enough.
▪ We can’t SERVE at the church enough.
In fact, we can’t ACHIEVE Jesus. We just have to RECEIVE Jesus. It’s a FREE GIFT!!!
“For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (NIV)
While We Were Sinners
Often, I talk to people that haven’t accepted Christ because they think they’re not living right YET.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIV)
God’s love can’t be EARNED…it’s a GIFT!
Just RECEIVE it; not because WE’RE good, but because HE’S so good!
Prayer For Today
“Father God, thank you, that you loved me enough to send Jesus to die for me even though I was still a sinner. What a beautiful gift! I receive it in Jesus’ name.”
Share With Us!
Has God ever done something so amazing for you that you felt like you didn’t deserve it? Tell us about it.
Every day I try to simply love like God loves me.