I truly believe that 2014 has been God’s “Year of the Open Door”.
God is opening SUPERNATURAL doors of opportunity for us that NO man can shut.
He is ready and WILLING to promote us to the NEXT level.
But FIRST…There May Be A Test!
When God wanted to promote Abraham, He TESTED him. You know the story. (Genesis, Chapter 22)
Would Abraham be OBEDIENT and follow God’s directions?
Abraham had FAITH in God, and TRUSTED Him that everything would turn out okay.
But he came PREPARED to sacrifice his only son if he had to.
God Will Provide
And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together. Genesis 22:8 (NKJV)
Abraham PASSED the test!
Right on time, God PROVIDED the ram in the thicket for the sacrifice. He’ll provide all OUR needs, too.
I’ve found, that when I just relax and stop PUSHING so HARD and allow God promote me, I always come out smelling like a rose!
Heaven On Earth
Sometimes it FEELS like we’re going slower…when we’re really going FASTER!
That’s because God is always busy working behind the scenes on OUR behalf.
- Angels are MOVING.
- Depression is LIFTING.
- Houses are SELLING.
- Opportunity is KNOCKING.
- Supernatural DOORS are OPENING WIDE!
Certainly needed this reminder this morning! Thanks Pastor Nichole!
I know God is behind the scenes even when I don’t think he is.
Thank you, no pretense, simplistic & encouraging.
Have you heard of the other “urban legend” about it’s more ennlvormentaliy damaging while manufacturing fluorescent bulbs than normal bulbs? I heard it sometime ago when somewhere decided to ban the traditional light bulb. Wonder if it’s true.