Peter walked on water. What is impossible with man is possible with God.
We tend to look at the problems in our life and jump straight to the conclusion – THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE. It’s impossible so solve. It’s impossible to overcome. It’s impossible.
It’s Impossible
Overcoming this disease is impossible.
Healing this marriage is impossible.
Bouncing back from being laid off is impossible.
Facing the pain of this loss is impossible.
No, It’s Not
I’m telling you, what is impossible with man is POSSIBLE WITH GOD.
Impossible Proven Wrong
Dodie Osteen, mother of Joel Osteen, has a tremendous story of how she was healed of cancer decades ago.
The doctors had given up
They said she only had weeks to live.
They SAID it was IMPOSSIBLE for her to be healed.
Using The Impossible To Encourage
Now YEARS later, Dodie Osteen is totally healed and travels with Joel and Victoria to “Night of Hope” conferences to give hope and encouragement to thousands of people.
What is impossible with man is possible with God. (Luke 18:27)
Your Story
Do you remember a time when you thought something was going to be impossible and God turned it around and made it possible? Share it with us in the comments section below.
Pastor Nicole
Thanks so much for the blog !!! Just in time….
Sometimes I can become overwhelmed and I’ve come to
found out growing in Christ that I can do all thing through Christ who
Strengthens me… Sometimes we forget that… And it’s easy cause we get caught up with life… But there is Nothing God has not got me through… He is amazing… Thanks for always reminding and your encouraging words….
Love you
Dear Pastor Nicole,
Six years ago I had a child die three months into my pregnancy. My heart was deeply saddened and my faith shaken. God was faithful to heal my heart and strengthen my faith. He surely gives double for our trouble because I had three kids before out little one went to heaven and we had three kids after. We celebrate our six kids living life with us and our precious little one waiting to meet mommy and daddy, growing up in God’s house.
Theresa, this is one of the best comments ever. It makes me happy to hear all that God has done to heal your heart. I’m sure your little one is looking down from heaven with a huge smile on their face.