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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Exit Strategy


February 5, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Psssst! Do you want to know the TRUTH about the guy I was dating before I met David? The REAL truth?

The real truth is…he was a very NICE man! We decided that we just weren’t meant to be together because we had different plans and goals. That’s all.

I don’t have to create reasons to justify leaving an old situation. I don’t have to “dish” on my ex.

Sometimes, when God calls us into a NEW SEASON, we walk backward and manufacture a reason. We start complaining.

One of the tools of the enemy, is to use our own mouth against us. If we complain…we REMAIN, and end up going around the SAME mountain time after time.

Why are we complaining and cursing the last thing that God blessed us with?

God may want us to stay at places we don’t want to be, a lot LONGER than we want to be there. That could be our place of development where He can challenge and strengthen us.

There’s a lot of value in staying. But we get restless and dissatisfied. We start burning bridges. We should never base our NEW season on a PRESENT hurt. If we leave, we could be on our way STRAIGHT OUT of the Will of God!

Be led forth in peace. If you don’t know…DON’T GO!

God will not give you SPECIFIC direction until you start following His GENERAL direction. Go to church, read His Word and love your neighbor as yourself.

Remember, the way you exit THIS season is the way you’ll enter the NEW one. Exit well!


Do you feel like God is calling you into a new season of your life? Tell me all about it.

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  1. latanya brown says:

    yes I do believe this is my new season. I know that God is sending through this test for a great testimony. my life has changed in months since I started coming back to church and listening to pastor Crank. The things that you guys have said to me is all coming together. He had a sermon on God changing you and you dont even know it. When I left church that Sunday I sat down and thought about it and he was right God was changing me from this inside to the outside. I stop drinking, I stop complaining and I started thanking God for everything. I am married currently trying to go through a divorce and it took me to almost lose everything for me to realize that my husband was not here for us. Since I have left my husband things have turned around for my family. Yes we are still struggling but in time God is going to work that out. I sow faithful every pay check even though I know I cant afford my bills. But God comes first and I know he is going to take care of me..Thank you guys for everything I dont know where I will be with out you guys. I will have a great testimony soon believe me. God has me.. Love you guys

  2. Paul Anthony says:

    “God will not give you SPECIFIC direction until you start following His GENERAL direction. Go to church, read His Word and love your neighbor as yourself.”

    SO SPOT ON “PN” many times I found GOD didn’t and won’t answer my prayers til I put him first place (by reading his word, attending church consistently and most importantly by my “works” Actions always speak louder then words – faith without works is dead. by passing those tests day after day during the week doing it the way “Jesus”would do it. GOD truly sees and understands our “hearts” so we must align it with him purely to inherit his blessings. If we are angry or hard hearted I found I must forgive others, apologize when I’ve wronged someone and really mean it and turn from those ways to GOD’s ways only then can my heart become soft again useable again and I can start to see clearly again start to rise up and higher again. I’ve been spending a lot of Time in Sunny Isles Beach, FL and all the tall buildings blocking my view of the beautiful Atlantic, Its not as pleasing to me as Palm Beach for that reason. I saw that and felt GOD speak to me that my ways are abstructes by my ability to succeed. BUT, with GOD at tbe wheel we can start to rise up and if we keep on his path, stay in are lane, run are race not look into other peoples lane or try to run their race we can get above those buildings and we get the most unobstructed view of the beautiful coast line of fl the different colors of blue from the suns reflection. Amen

  3. Deb Hansen says:

    Thank you Nicole, for this timely post. I am in a current situation where I am struggling with the decision to stay or leave. I have tried for the past three years to make the situation work but have found that doors keep closing for me. I am struggling financially, unemployed but still I continue to have faith in God. I have used this time to seek His Will, read His Word but while I am growing in faith my situation has gotten worse. My daughter wants me to move to where she lives and start fresh. There is fear in change, there is the question of “where does God want me?” I don’t feel I am getting any direction from God. So, here I am, not moving forward, stuck, confused, depressed but I know I can’t continue in my current situation. Please pray for me.

  4. Priscilla says:

    This blessed me as I am in that season where I need an exit schedule. This,read was an eye opener. Praying and trusting that as I take the basic steps towards a faith belief, my God has already directed my exit strategy.

  5. georgy says:

    Thank You!

  6. Rebecca says:

    Been on staff at our church for 12-1/2 years. Just turned 62 and feel life (and God) is giving me permission to edit thru retirement. Still praying for discernment and His will

  7. Michelle says:

    Perfect timing Lord! Thank you Jesus for speaking this word through Nicole!



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