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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Five Minutes A Day


May 11, 2017


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Recently, I was on Facebook doing a live Bible study series, when God told me He had something He wanted me to talk about every day that week. Then He started speaking to my heart so fast that I could hardly write it down.

Has that ever happened to you?

He gave me a sustainable plan with just five things. We can’t spend an hour on each of these areas every day or we’d run out of time.

God said, “I just want five minutes.”

Spirit– Spend five minutes on our spirit. If we’re not reading every day, if we’re not praying every day we can start by simply talking to God. If that seems too intimidating, I’m formally inviting you to shower with Pastor David and me. Yes, just lay your phone down in the bathroom, crank up the volume and listen to one of our podcasts, sermons or even Christian music. Use that idle time to reinforce your spirit man.

Soul– Our soul is what makes you, you and me, me. It’s our mind, will and emotions. I’m giving us all permission to do something we want to do; something that we’ve been denying ourselves. If we don’t take care of us…nobody else will.

Body– We may not have time to even drive to the gym and back, but we can walk up and down the stairs. We can do a few leg lifts as we sit at our computer. We can take a break and get out and walk around our yard or block for just five minutes.

Profession– I know, everyone doesn’t like to read. But, if other people at our work are trying to improve themselves and we want to be a leader…we have to be a reader. If we don’t, and they do, then they’ll surpass us. Read for five minutes a day or listen to an audio book.

Relationships– On the ride home, we could call our mom or the next day, our dad. Catch up with a brother or sister. Drive through for ice cream with the kids. Turn the lights down and spend five minutes on the couch with our spouse. Ask them how they’re feeling, what they’re doing or how their day was.

This is just five little minutes spent on five important areas that will help give us the wonderful life God wants us to have. (Now if we’re already beyond that time in any of these areas, then we should keep doing that. We can just add the extra five minutes to another area.)

After we get the five minutes down, then we can add five more, and then, five more…and so on.
Don’t forget to celebrate every single little victory along the way. It’s inch by inch, little by little and step by step that God takes us to the top!

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  1. Thank you! I will make an effort to implement the things I am not currently doing.

  2. Sandra says:

    Thank you for this. It showed me I’m a little, ok a lot unbalanced in these areas. The hardest will be taking time for me. Never done that. Hum! But I will work on it. Shalom

  3. Penny Allen says:

    That was pretty awesome Pastor Nicole how you broke it down into small increments; it seems so much more achievable. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed when we think it’s too much to do and I don’t have the time. Our hearts have good intentions, but that’s all they are.

  4. Laveda Cage says:

    Good Morning Pastor Nicole,

    I love it; this is how I start my day off every morning.

  5. Victoria Kerr says:

    Devotional time is a must- Jesus Calling,The Prayer of Jabez and after Sunday’s step 1 in Growth Track- Proverbs and Psalms are my 30 day reading plan- along with a great cup of coffee!!

  6. Jackie Gray says:

    Amen, Thank you Pastor Nicole! I Love you!

  7. Felicia Hall says:

    Thank you Pastor Nicole! I needed to read this. ❤

  8. Tina Hefferly says:

    Your words always inspire me. You are always a confirmation of what the Lord is saying. Thanks for listening and thanks for just being you….

  9. Amazing and inspiring. Thank you so much! I’ve been working each day, a little bit more and more in all areas. I needed this! God Bless You!



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