Look at YOU — making the decision to be successful; to make more RIGHT decisions than wrong decisions!
Good for you!
The more right decisions that we make moves us TOWARD being more successful. So, we have to decide to decide so we’re not stuck in indecision.
When we make good choices, we won’t always see the results today. Like when we decide that we’re going to start eating right and working out— we’re NOT going to lose 20 pounds on the first day.
But, at least we’re on the right road headed in the right direction.
We’ve made the right decision — but then we slip up and SAY the wrong thing. We speak negative thoughts and they come pass because life and death are in the power of our tongues.
Well, what if we said more POSITIVE things, instead.
- If we just complain about how hard it is—we won’t try the new technology.
- If we keep whining that we just can’t keep up— we’ll stop going to the gym.
- If we sit around the watercooler griping about how bad the boss is— we’ll never get promoted.
Wow! Our own words, are limiting God and limiting our FUTURE!
Commit to saying the things that God says about our future. If we say the wrong things, we’re just giving up on ourselves.
If you’ve messed up decisions in the past— learn from the experience. And know that with God, it’s never for less, it’s always for MORE!
You’re going somewhere to be a BLESSING!
Do you know where you want to go in life—but you ‘re just not sure HOW to get there? (Tell me. I want to help.)
Allow me to send you a FREE copy of my new book, “Goal Getters, 5 Steps to Finally Get What You Want.” (you just pay for the shipping) Pre-order your copy, today!
Can’t WAIT to start reaching your goals?
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