There is a car in our garage right now that doesn’t work. It’s broken. Stupid car, it’s not even old.
I’m guessing it’s the battery (I wouldn’t trust my uninformed diagnosis though). It just won’t start. NOTHING happens when you turn the key. How am I supposed to get this hunk of junk to a mechanic if I can’t even get it out of the garage???? #frustration.
I don’t know HOW to fix my problem. But I know WHO can. But then I’m stuck in another HOW. HOW do I get the problem car to the mechanic?
You know, this sounds a little bit like life. There are broken things in my life. I don’t know HOW to fix them… I’ve tried. Taaaaarrrrrust me. But there is a WHO that does. Jesus.
That still leaves us with the problem of HOW. How do we get our problems to Jesus?
“Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, FIX your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.”- Heb. 3:1 NIV.
There is a FIX hidden in that sentence, that scripture, that word of wisdom.
Our part of the fixing is to REALLY turn our thoughts to Jesus. Sounds simple enough, right? Then you ain’t never tried it – lol.
Why is it that the stuff that’s broken occupies soooo much real estate in my mind? Evicting those toxic thoughts of the enemy, thoughts from the inner me, and people on TV seems to be a bigger job than the sheriff in my mind can handle.
That’s the line of thinking the enemy is counting on.
I have good news, though. We don’t have to evict them. We just have to call on the WHO that can FIX the problem. Once we call on Jesus, we just place the problem in his hands and LEAVE it there. Quit pulling it back out of His hands. Quit putting it back in our minds. Quit turning it over and over while Jesus sits patiently waiting for us to give it back to him so that he can FIX it.
We FIX our mind on him (and get peace when we do) and HE fixes the problem.
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”- Romans 8:6 NIV.
Man, that sounds GOOD! Jesus has the eviction game handled. He already boldly showed up in hell and took the keys to death, hell and the grave. Jesus has the MASTER key to everything. He can open locked doors, fix broken things, and handle the business. We just have to FIX our eyes and thoughts on Him.
“So we FIX our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”- 2 Corin. 4:18 NIV.
So, what has been frustrating you? Don’t ask HOW to fix it. Call the WHO that can fix it. HOW? Pray and turn it over to Him. FIX your mind and thoughts on his mercy, grace, goodness and compassion. And then get on with your HAPPY day!
If you need help with this, my T12 Transformation Program is designed to walk you through allowing Christ into EVERY part of your life to transform it into what only He can. If you need some fixing, I can’t recommend it more!