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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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The Nicole Crank Show

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I Will Thrive: Find Your Fight to Claim True Freedom

Feeling stuck in the wounds of your past and longing for healing to move into your purpose and future? Awaken the dormant dreams in your heart and start paving a path with this faith-based guide for freedom and healing. I Will Thrive gives you the courage to look at your past and be able to declare freedom from fear--allowing a daring spirit to rise up in those who have forgotten how to be brave. 

USA Today Best Seller and #1 non-fiction Best Seller at Barnes and Noble


Sometimes life smacks us upside the head while we are looking the other way. We get knocked down and struggle to get back up. However, your past struggles do not determine your future.

Regardless of what has happened to you or even because of you, God's plan for you always holds hope and a future, and it never changes. You'll learn to find healing and happiness every day.

Christine Caine

“You can find hope, healing, and freedom in Jesus. In I Will Thrive, Nicole not only shares her powerful story, but gives practical tools showing you how to live unchained from your past and flourish in life.”

Bestselling Author, Founder of A21 and Propel Women

Bianca Juarez Olthoff

"Sometimes, we make issues about others when life’s complications are really dealing with our own insecurity. Nicole’s words are a gentle scalpel to reveal the areas in our life that feel dead and lifeless and show us how to live fully alive. If you need someone to walk alongside and breathe some life into you, this book is for you!"

 Pastor, Speaker, Bestselling Author of How to Have Your Life Not Suck

Bishop Dale C. Bronner

“The greatest lessons of life are not learned IN a course but ON a course. Nicole’s course has taken her on an adventure-rich journey that turned out to be a divine treasure hunt. This book is part of the treasure that was mined from the journey and is sure to bless every reader!”

Founder/Senior Pastor of Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Atlanta, GA

Lisa Harper

“Nicole’s story is vibrant, compelling proof that the pain in our past doesn’t have to limit the trajectory of our future! Jesus is a Redeemer and there’s no mistake so egregious or grief so debilitating that it can catapult us beyond the reach of His mercy and grace. This book is like a literary megaphone that authentically and joyfully bellows how God’s will for our lives is radically better than what far too many of us are willing to settle for.”

Radio and TV Personality, Author, Bible Teacher, and Professional Speaker

Awaken the dormant dreams in your heart and start paving a path with this faith-based guide for freedom and healing.


"God can still do a miracle and not only get us through what we are dealing with right now, but get us to the preferred purpose, life, calling, and future that God decided He wanted for us from millennium before we were born."

- nicole crank

Ryan p. 

This is not just about self improvement but is sneakily one of the best leadership books out there. 

300+ 5-star  reviews

amazon customer

This book is a truly a faith builder…it is clarity for any doubt that you can trust the Lord in every situation! 

amazon customer

Pastor Nicole Crank is as real, raw, and transparent as they come. She's been anointed with a God-given gift to take every struggle life has ever brought her, and connect in a deep and meaningful way that resonates with the reader-right where they are in life.

julian p.

She really shows the courage to heal and the courage to change her circumstances to be and do better. I am so happy that I bought multiple books to share with my friends and family and you should too.

nicole crank

Nicole Crank is a dynamic international conference speaker, popular television host, successful pastor, life coach, blogger, and author of the new book, I Will Thrive! (#1 Non-Fiction at Barnes & Noble and on USA Today’s Best-Sellers List)

In it, Nicole shares her journey from abandonment, molestation, rape and abuse, to victory! Not just surviving… but with God’s help, learning to THRIVE! And you can, too! Her other best-selling books include Goal Getters, Hi God (It's Me Again), and Hi God, One More Thing

The Nicole Crank Show is broadcasted around the world on ABC, NBC, CBS, The Victory Channel, TBN +, TBN Inspire, Faith Broadcasting Network,, Shebbekah 7, Vision Heaven, and YouTube.

Nicole and her husband, David, are co-founders and senior pastors of This church has over 18,000 members across five campuses in St. Louis, three in West Palm Beach, one in Fairview Heights, Illinois, and thousands more who worship online.

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