Those last two Super Bowl minutes – ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!
Some AMAZING effort. A show of above and beyond. And a whole lot of ‘we just WON’T QUIT’.
Even with the threat of being within a couple of feet of losing the Super Bowl with 20 seconds left and what should be NO HOPE of turning it around, the Patriots didn’t CAVE IN, GIVE UP and QUIT!
Pushing even harder when it looked like they could lose it all – they turned EVERYTHING around!
But My Life Isn’t Like That
Sometimes it seems SO HARD when the time clock in life is counting down and it looks like OUR SIDE of the scoreboard is lacking.
That’s when we have the option…
The same as the Patriots did.
The same as we have in the past.
The same as anyone.
Give up and quit OR press on.
Right now you might be thinking: ‘Yeah, press on is easy when you have an NFL offensive line on your side! But I don’t!’
You’re right. You have MORE than that!
It’s Rigged!
You have the God of the universe (that also happens to be your Father) and the unfair part to the opposing team is this….He even controls the time clock AND refs the game.
Our part is simply this….
So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Galatians 6:9 MSG
Don’t Give Up! No Matter What!
God is on your side. Jesus blood has been applied. And even if all of hell is fighting you, heaven’s offensive team is ready to take possession and lead you to victory!
Like that moment, when the Patriots gain possession on the 1 yard line – I don’t know about you, but we came unglued!!!!
Why Did It Happen?
Because they didn’t give up AND they PRESSED toward the goal!
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 NIV
If we are faithful to do our part – Don’t give up, trust in God and press on – then God is FAITHFUL to His part. Show up and show out.
You might not think your life is as important as the Super Bowl. But God does.
You might not believe you can continue at this rate. But God does.
You might not see yourself pressing on. But God does.
You Win!
God is coaching us from the sidelines right now saying, “I’ve got the play all worked out. Trust me, I do this ALL the time. I just need you on the field giving your best and trust ME for the rest!”
Don’t give in, Press on and watch God bring the game winning touchdown to your life!
Often times I have asked where God was to only hear him whisper…I am right here and always have been. It was in those moments that I realized I wasn’t listening I was turning off my ear to my coach.
Pastor Nicole,
Thank You for being you A STRONG WOMAN
in the LORD !!!!!!! I love You and My Faith Church family
This message comes at the perfect time in my life. I am trying to follow what I think God’s plan is for me but have to admit it’s very frustrating and difficult to stay focused.