As a pastor, I think the thing that has given me more grief than anything, is when people LEAVE.
Somehow, I can’t help but feel as though I’ve done something wrong. No matter how I try to mask the pain, it still HURTS!
But I want you to understand, that not everyone who starts with you will FINISH with you…and that’s okay!
There Is A Season
Ecclesiastes says there is, “A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.”
So naturally, we should expect to have friends for a REASON, friends for just a SEASON and some friends for a LIFETIME.
As leaders, we just have to remain more focused on the MULTITUDES we’re trying to reach, than on a FEW we’re trying to hold on to.
Exit..Stage Right!
Remember, the Bible warns us that God will CUT OFF every branch that does not bear fruit.
So, it doesn’t help to keep mourning about someone who doesn’t call or accept us anymore.
If we’ve already done EVERYTHING humanly possible to appease them, and they STILL choose to leave us, then their part in our play is over.
It’s time to LET THEM GO!!!
Bring It On!
Thankfully, our future is in NO WAY determined by the people who have walked away from us.
Everything God wants us to do, we will be WELL able to accomplish with the help of those that remain with us, and those He will BRING in due time.
Be on the lookout! God has already selected the EXACT people to bring into our lives at the PRECISE season that we will need their help.
Pastor Nicole,
I don’t know how your emails started coming to me…but I went ahead and subscribed to you, and I want to let you know that I truly enjoy reading your writings. Be encouraged and know you are truly blessing people. Take care and be blessed.
Mary Moseley 🙂
“WOW”-Women of Worship
Thank you so much, Mary! It makes me happy that you enjoy reading my blog posts. 🙂
This is so encouraging….Thank you for sharing such an awesome one. Not only is it a good word from God but it’s a right on time word. I’m going to hold it in my heart until I feel that the hurt and deliverance has come. Thank you Pastor Nicole
You are very welcome. 🙂 Thanks for commenting and letting me know.
God will bring people into our lives in due time. I must be patient and listen to the whisper!
Good morning. I just wanted to comment on your blog this morning. I have recently left a 7 year relationship that I have given all that I can, and have been dragged thru the mill. Your blogs and passages help me everyday and thinking I can live my life without him in my life and will surive so thank you.
Tina Coillins
You can,& you will. 🙂 Don’t worry, Tina. God is going to take care of you. Just focus on Him, & he will get you through this. When people leave our lives, they make room for even better ones to come in. Praying for you. 🙂
there is another category of friends also. They are called in and out friends. Friends of convenience. I think it is difficult to identify them because they are hot and cold. You make excuses for how they treat you but bottom line it becomes difficult to ride on their merry go round. Time to let go of people that do not treat us well. Had to ask myself if my expectations are unrealistic. The answer I keep coming up with is I expect courtesy, respect and a person in my life that doesn’t make me a fit in according to her moods. A person that listens and returns your calls. I am not angry. I have just become decisive. God did not put me on this earth for abusive relationships.To every season there is a purpose under heaven.
Very true. 🙂
Miss Nicole, this helped me accept the feelings I was having with situations of friendships come n go. Today I am very picky who I let be comfortable in my life. I used to cry about friend situations n then when I started walking with the Lord I come to realize that Jesus is my friend. He will hang with me all day long n I can share every thought n feeling n guaranteed that He won’t tell anyone else. He will always love, never do me wrong. As for me, I have visited your church several times n at times came quite often. I learned a lot n found there that Jesus is my friend not someone to beet me down. It’s my spirit that is unsettled where to go to church n I do talk n pray on a constant daily bases with the Lord. U r fantastic! Love u my sister.
I’m so glad this helped you. That means a lot to me. And yes, Jesus is the best friends anyone could ever have. 🙂
Thank you for an inspiring word of encouragement! Learning to move forward much faster than ever before in my life. Love reading your blog and seeing the pure honesty flow from your heart of what you walk thru. Refreshing and encouraging.
Thank you so much, Lisa. 🙂