Nicole Crank speaking
From the Cinderella carriage at the front door to the Enchanted Forest in the hallway…
Flying Tinkerbells, many ladies in ball gowns, tiaras on everyone, chocolate fountains flowing…
Worship that made us dance and cry and messages that effected us to our core. I’m still reeling.
The emails, facebook messages, tweets, letters and stories have literally poured in about the life change that happened in this one weekend.
When I looked out and we COMPLETELY filled our church with women, I thought “What are we going to do?”
Good thing our new campus will be ready for us next year! If we fill that up – we will just have to rent an arena!
Crazy Thing Is…
The big conference felt, well… intimate.
I felt like every woman around me was feeling what I was feeling, which was essentially God moving in my life RIGHT THEN.
Tears, hugs, love, love, love everywhere. Acceptance – in a room full of women – uncanny, but true.
Then, when we checked our tickets sales for next year – we have already sold 20% of them! I was shocked!
Woman after woman told me how they are bringing their entire office, staff team or neighbor group.
The caterer from Panera who brought in the lunches for the conference to feed us all got “sucked in” to the environment and told one of our Pastors, “I’m bringing my entire team to this conference next year!”
Love One Another
The love and joy in my heart from this conference still abounds in my heart. If you missed it, I hope that you get the dvd from our Faith Church St. Louis bookstore. It won’t be the same, but you can get a taste of the spirit of it.
You can also view photos from the conference online.
Whatever you do, mark your calendar for June 8-9, 2012 and get your tickets early. Premium tickets sold out weeks early this time!
This year was an event that will be remembered. Next year will be a women’s conference that everyone will be glad they brought their friends to.
Click here to register for the 2012 women’s conference.
So tell me in the comments below – what was your favorite thing about this year’s conference and what are you looking forward to next year?
The worship services were amazing! I can’t wait for next year because I have several friends who want to come next year!
I loved the panel of pastor’s wives. In my opinion, that could be expanded to cover an entire session. Even do a question and answer portion with questions from the audience collected at the beginning of the conference. The different experiences and viewpoints of the wives was really interesting and there were a lot of great comments about it.
I loved to panel of pastor’s wives too! Great insight was shared!