I remember how much David’s dad LOVED working on old cars.
In fact, he had two red tool chests in his garage just loaded with TOOLS.
I had NO idea what most of them were, or what they were used for…but HE did.
Because he knew precisely how to USE each one, his tools never had a chance to sit and get RUSTY.
Use It Or Lose It
Our MINDS are the most precious tools that WE have in OUR tool chests.
Remember, a mind STRETCHED will never go back to its original size.
We should be challenging and stretching ourselves DAILY through CREATIVE thinking.
Otherwise, our BRAIN is just another USELESS tool gathering RUST.
Idle Minds
Social media is great…until we become OVERLY occupied. I’m guilty!
To keep our minds SHARP and rust-free, we can’t let them sit IDLE.
It’s totally possible to WASTE an entire day just hoping to be ENTERTAINED by what the world is “tweeting”.
“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 (NKJV)
No Limits
Too much TV or too much TEXTING, and at the end of the day, we’re NO SMARTER than we were at the beginning.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
I’m just sayin’…It may take us a LOT longer to transform our minds if we’re LIMITING ourselves to just 140 characters or less!
I wish you merry chrismas and happy new year 2015.the year you will fulfill your destiny.
The year you will visit kenya for revival and reformation conferences,your beloved wife for ladies conference.please,visit us.
pastor stephen and flora.
LOVE all of your emails..
But really like this one !!
Can’t wait for next year at FC ..