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I was talking to a close friend, recently, who said, “I just don’t seem to be as happy as I used to be.”
As soon as he said it, I knew EXACTLY what he was talking about. My friend was feeling overwhelmed.
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What do you do when you feel like you just can’t take one… more… step? (Can you relate?)
Many years ago before I was a pastor, I had a job working in technology sales. I was assigned to a branch that didn’t want any female salespeople in their office. Ugh!
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What would it take for this year to be the most AMAZING year of your life?
Would you start the business? Have the baby? Pay off your house? Buy the new car?
What about going for that promotion? Paying off all your credit cards? Or meeting that person you’ve been hoping for?
Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off.
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