I heard a story about a small town football player. He was the star of his high school team and a local celebrity. He was living his DREAM!
But he wasn’t big enough to play for any of the major universities, so he ended up at a junior college delivering PIZZAS at night.
One night when he was making a delivery, a 10 year-old boy answered the door and immediately recognized him. At first, the boy was SO excited to see his football HERO!
But then the boy said, “Hey, wait a minute. What are YOU doing delivering pizzas?”
God Asked Me That Question
He said, “Nicole, what are YOU doing delivering pizzas?”
I said, “God, I don’t understand.”
• “I’m SERVING your kingdom.”
• “I‘m LEADING the church staff.”
• “I’m SPEAKING at conferences.”
“I’m living Your dream!” God said, “No, you’re living YOUR dream. Not MINE.” I instantly teared up.
Trading Spaces
My husband had been talking with me about doing FEWER conferences (the thing that made me FEEL good about myself) and staying at home and speaking even MORE at our church.
I wanted to do BOTH!
God showed me that I was too busy taking up the space of OTHER peoples’ dreams.
If I would arise and go to the dream that He had for ME, then I would be MAKING SPACE for others to live out THEIR dreams.
By doing things my way, I was short-selling all that God had for ME and was standing in OTHER peoples way.
I don’t want that. I want to live His dream for me and be that person who helps others reach their dream.
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
So what happened to the football player?
He trained hard, gained 70 pounds, MADE the college team and became an NFL first round draft pick!
The little boy inspired him to return to his dream and make room for someone who really NEEDED that pizza delivery job.
Sometimes we get COMFORTABLE. We may even LOOK like a success.
But what we’re really doing is pushing off the bigger DREAM God has for us.
Prayer For Today
“God, I’m going to get up out of my comfortable space and go live Your dream for my life. I don’t know exactly what you want me to do…but I TRUST You. I will live Your dream and make space for another person to live theirs!”
I soooo needed to read this!!!
We all get caught up, including myself in our own self that we do miss God’s plan and dream for us sometimes.
Thank you Pastor Nicole for sharing and letting us know you are as human as us and can make the same mistakes. That you’re no greater than us just because you have ‘Pastor’ in front of your name or God is using you to run a Mega church. You are blessed!!!
Lisa, this is by far one of the sweetest comments yet. Thank you so much! 🙂
God continues to stretch me beyond my comfort zone and I thank him for doing so!
I agree i am so grateful and blessed that god guided me to your channel in west palm i love you guys and love your inspirational
Teachings and sermons i just want you to know i have been looking for a church for quite sometime obs that i could relate to and fit in well guess what you guys are it i thank god for showing me the way to you both
You are both blessed and so am i. Feels great
Have a blesset day
Aw, Sherri, that makes me so happy to hear. 🙂 Welcome to the Faith Church Family! I can’t wait to see you at one of the meetings in West Palm Beach!