At one time or another, we’ve all thought about LETTING GO or letting something die.
Sometimes, in the moment, we feel like it’s just NOT WORTH IT anymore!
But, if we can manage to PUSH through the tough times and refuse to give in…LOVE will never fail us! Guaranteed!
Strength Comes In Time
I remember having the oaks trees cut down from our property to build our horse stalls in our barn. I know you can’t imagine me tromping around inside a barn in dirty cowboy boots, but that is where I lived before we were pastors! Wrestling wild baby horses into puppy-like pets.
The oak wood was SO HARD after it was milled that you had to DRILL A HOLE in it before you could even drive a nail into it with a nail gun!!!! That is some strong wood!
Even these mighty oaks started as a small sapling tree that you cold EASILY cut down. Or even injure it with just a weed whacker!
But over the years, when it grew into a BIG, STRONG oak tree, it could handle the storms, the force of a tornado, the power of a nail gun and still come through STRONG!
Firmly Planted
The Bible says that we should be, “like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season,” Psalm 1:3 (NKJV)
TRUE love (God’s love) doesn’t change with the seasons. When fall comes, when winter comes, things may LOOK dead, but they can still bloom again and grow strong.
When the storm comes and tests the tree, it doesn’t give up and move. It stays strong and force of the wind actually MAKES THE TREE STRONGER!
Stick With It!
In a marriage, a friendship or in a career, in order to weather the storms and grow stronger, we have to BE there. We have to STICK!
We know that a double-minded man is UNSTABLE in all his ways and is tossed about like the waves in the sea. (James 1:6-8)
We’d NEVER expect to get promoted if we only stayed at our job for one year. We have to get some TRACTION going in order to enjoy the deep relationships that we want.
We can’t let the waves of life toss us about, always changing our mind.
Nobody’s Perfect
We may be looking for the “fairy tale”, but there’s no prince (or princess) out there who’s going to be EVERYTHING we want them to be.
• No guy is perfect.
• No woman is perfect.
• No job, no boss, no child, no parent…NOBODY’S perfect! Not even you! (I know, shocking, right?)
What we CAN do, is to stand FIRM when life gets hard and when things aren’t going our way.
We can vow to NEVER get bored and NEVER give up!
Stay STILL. Stand STABLE. Be PLANTED. Grow ROOTS. DON’T move, and keep our feet solidly upon the ROCK, which is JESUS!
Prayer For Today
“Father God, thank you, for being so patient with us as we GROW UP in the knowledge of Your Word. We promise to stay right where You planted us, until Your perfect LOVE and Your perfect PLAN takes root in our life. In Jesus’ name.”
Yes yes yes
Sometimes we only think our option is to Give UP…but this is just the opportunity to STAND UP and stand on his word and increase Faith.
The gardener in me LOVES this! Yes I am a tree!