If you find it difficult to like yourself, you are not alone.
Many of us struggle with self-rejection during certain periods of our lives and on any given day, we are our own worst critic. There is enough in the world that is against us, so we need to be on our own side!
More specifically, God is on your side and has a plan for YOUR life. He doesn’t want you to feel afraid, insecure, or be consumed with achieving perfection and trying to please others.
God created you in his image.
You are valuable!
You are loved!
God is the one who will perfect the good work that He has started in your life, bringing it to full completion. It takes time, so be patient. During the process, He wants you to recognize that you are making progress.
You may not be where you want to be or where you need to be, but YOU AREN’T WHERE YOU WERE YESTERDAY.
God’s not mad at you.
Give yourself a break today!
“I’m Convinced Of This Very Thing That He Who Began A Good Work In You Will Continue Until The Day Of Completion.” (Philippians 1:6)
What a great message to wake up to. Yesterday was a day filled with some insecurities, anxiety and worries. I spent the evening in prayer and watching a few of your blogs. Waking up this morning I feel better and ready to take on the day. 🙂