When I was a little girl, I remember getting in someone’s car, one day after school.
It was all their fault… they asked me the question. They said, “How was your day at school?”
Well then, I proceeded to tell them all about what I had for lunch— who I played with on the playground— how I did on my test— and how bad I felt about it.
I still remember how they turned and looked at me and said, “Do you EVER shut up?”
Ouch!!! That really stuck in my head.
But, I don’t have to live with what they said about me because what they say doesn’t count.
Tell the devil, “You can take that back to hell where you came from!”
What counts is what God says about me! And He created my chatty self!
It’s not that we’re the most beautiful or that we’re perfect. (Actually, we look kind of normal. Right?)
But, God has placed such a value on us. He calls us priceless! Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God’s masterpiece!
He’s in heaven saying, “You don’t understand. I didn’t waste my time. I need you so bad!”
When God created you, He brought up the dust, thought of your name, wrote your entire history, and imagined your future.
He thought of your amazing legacy and the children and the generations that would come out of you.
Forget about what the enemy said about you! He’s a LIAR!
God put you together for an intended purpose. You aren’t weird— you’re unique— an original— His magnificent Work of Art!
Do you still remember words from your past that cut you deep? “Y” or “N”
Great news! We’re finally getting out of the house and having a night out with the girls! What FUN!
SAVE THE DATE! I Am Woman Nights – February 25th in West Palm Beach and March 4th in St. Louis! (7:30 PM local)
Invite a friend to join you for amazing worship music, a fresh message of inspiration, and a Watercolor After-Party to unleash your creative inner self! No excuses! (Childcare for Ages 0-4 is provided.) I’ll see you there!