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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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You Are Favored


May 28, 2013


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Pastor Nicole Crank - You Are FavoredIf nothing could stop you…

How much could you accomplish?

If you woke up tomorrow morning with an unfair advantage…

How far could you go?

If the universe worked with you and not against you…

How would your reaction to your circumstances differ?

Favor can change your life.

And whether you realize it or not, you are favored.


Jesus purchased favor for you on the cross. He gave up His life so that yours could be abundant. (John 10:10)

Paul asks, “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)

It’s a rhetorical question which means God is not going to withhold anything from you.
And now you might be thinking –


“If you could only see the trouble that I’m in…”

“Maybe you’d see that I’m not favored at all.”


Maybe the problem is that we don’t always recognize God’s favor. And if we don’t recognize His favor, then maybe we don’t properly respond it.

Just the other day a friend told me about some billboards they leased.

They paid for a single month on a lot of billboards several months ago, but ALL the billboards are still all over the city.

The leasing company has not been able to rent them to anyone else so they decided to keep them up until they do.

That’s free advertising and real money. That’s favor!

Then there’s the story of the woman who got in a fender bender and missed a promising job interview.
She had been unemployed for months.

She thought, “Why does everything seem to work against me?”

Little did she know she would be receiving a better paying job offer the next week. If it had not been for the wreck, she would have never been in a position to take the better job.

That’s favor (even though she didn’t recognize it)!


God’s favor surrounds us.

Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:12 (NIV)

Search for God’s favor and acknowledge it (even when it seems miles away).

James wrote that every good gift is from God. (James 1:17)

So even when it seems like all hell is breaking loose…

Seek to recognize that one moment today that made you forget about your troubles, or that one thing that put a smile on your face.


Acknowledge these small gifts as signs of God’s favor.

Then thank God for them.

By acknowledging and giving thanks for the little things, we open the door to the much.

We produce and promote full recognition and appreciation and understanding and precise knowledge of every good thing that is ours in Christ Jesus. Philemon 1:6 (AMP)

Then, true to His word, God will pour out a blessing that we cannot contain. (Malachi 3:10)


Jesus, thank you for purchasing supernatural favor for me on the cross.
By your blood, every aspect of my life is blessed and highly favored.

Something good is going to happen to me today, and I am going to recognize it.

And when I do, I will acknowledge You and give You thanks.

Thank you Lord. Amen.

You should expect to find favor this week.

When you find favor this week, I want you to acknowledge it by sharing it with me by leaving a comment below.


If this has wet your appetite to be encouraged and have more of the favor that God has for you, make plans to come to this years iamb woman conference on June 7 & 8!

Guys, you might be thinking – “this isn’t fair, we want to come too!”

You can!

Just sign up to serve with our group of a few good men and you too can be at the women’s conference, be encouraged, and find out more about the favor that God has for your life.

Sign up today at

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  1. Today before reading this I experienced God’s favor. I was in the grocery store today getting a few food items I needed. I thought I had enough for the bill between 2 debit cards. My bill was 29 dollars and to my surprise I only had 15 dollars and some change from my child support and my bank of America card was invalid. I didn’t understand but I heard the Lord tell me that the woman behind me was going to pay it. I did not panic I just started looking to see about what I could put back. As I began to take things out of the bag, sure enough the woman behind me asked how much the remaining amount was and she paid for it. Tears rushe to my eyes as she hugged me and said I’ve been there and I know how it is. She said if everyone did this, the world would be a better place. I had never had anyone do anything like this for me before. I was so thankful and I prayed and asked God to bless her for paying it forward.

  2. Thank you! I needed this. I felt myself becoming week today and was finding it difficult to make myself bounce back spiritually. This has helped me to continue to go through until I break through. For I know God created me with a purpose and it wasn’t to live in poverty, to be a door mat, to not have someone to love me, to be a single parent, to not have a support system, to feel lonely and lack self worth, to feel awkward and stand out like a sore thumb. I was created for more. I am a king’s kid, I’m an heir of Abraham, I won’t be moved by the enemies tricks, I was created to tell the world about Jesus, to be loved,to raise my daughters in a healthy 2 parent home, to have a strong support system, to help my neighbors, to love on those who have no one to love them, to give an ear to hear, to bless where I am able, to love God because he first loved me. I tell myself everyday that something good is going to happen to me today.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Shelly Robertson says:

    Today I have been so stressed out over my finances. I am probably going to have to declare bankcruptcy. I am so embarrassed and ashamed. I have made so many mistakes that now it’s time to pay “The Piper” so to speak. I was not able to attend service tonight because I was watching my Grandson but did catch it on-line. Now after reading this blog I realized I did have Favor from God today…My Grandson, Liam!! He is almost two and so full of energy. But after his bath tonight while snuggling on the couch watching Elmo…Liam reached out and touched me and

  4. Shelly Robertson says:

    Oops…I hit submit by accident!! Anyway my Little Liam reached out and touched me and said, “Tickle, tickle, tickle”!! I did it back to him and he laughed so hard. This went on for a good 5 minutes or so. I forgot all my money troubles. It seemed so small until I read your blog. It was a Favor from God!!! He is telling me to give my worries to him, whatever happens I will still have my Grandson! I Thank Jesus for giving up His Life to Save mine. I thank God for giving me his Son! Thank You Pastor Nicole! You are a WONDERFUL Woman and an Inspiration to All!!!
    Thank You, Shelly



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