We get really excited when it looks like God has just sent us a BLESSING from heaven!
In fact, sometimes we get SO excited that we forget to check if it really IS Him and HIS will for us. Instead, we just run and indulge.
Is anyone ELSE guilty of this? I’ll raise my hand first! 🙂
Just because something seems GOOD…doesn’t necessarily mean it’s GOD.
Bait And Switch
Actually, the enemy will bait GREAT looking traps. Because the “fake and the dangerous” will always imitate the “real and legit”.
It’s WHY we take the bait.
• The significant other (we think we’ve been praying for) FINALLY arrives and looks TOO good to be true…because it is!
• We’re offered the business opportunity of a LIFETIME! All we have to do is invest ALL our money, LEAVE the position that God put us in and be a little “slick” with the tongue to get the sales.
• And SO on!
Follow Through
This prophet (1 Kings 13) followed someone who lied, and then he knowingly did what he KNEW God was telling him NOT to do. It cost him his life!
When WE follow God, it doesn’t mean our lives will be all rainbows and unicorns.
But it MIGHT mean that He’s leading us a certain way because He KNOWS the other way holds death!
We just need to TRUST Him, FOLLOW Him and know that He knows so much MORE than we do.
All that glitters is NOT gold!
I so needed this, my husband and I are in the midst of financial gain
At the same time, are in a storm with our business, and my husband and I were in agreement prayed he fasted , about a meeting yesterday,
I prayed diligently , praying in the spirit, staying focused on this business meeting he was to be at 2:00pm
We no that what ever the out come be , that his will be done, NOT OURS! We asked God to make it evident of where we should move from here,,,, SELL OUT? or do it right this time with God in charge of our business instead of us running it in the flesh!
My husband came home from the meeting and, was insulted on what they offered, and he explained it all to me, he has 32+ years of experience in this field….. So my husband and I know what door to go through, but it makes me nervous, I don’t speak that out loud,
But seeing your post made me REALLY GIVE IT TO THE LORD!!
I’m going to walk through the door, with a joyous heart even tho I’m trembling inside, …. Thank you so much Pastor Nichole Crank!!!
I believe God is going to bless you and your husband’s business! You can count that I will be standing in agreement. 🙂 Letting God take control is the best thing that you can do–trust me. It might be a little scary at first, but don’t breakdown before you breakthrough. Praying for you two!
Trust in God and follow him and how can I go wrong. He knows the next chapter to my book. : )
Thank you! Amen