Does it ever seem to you that God isn’t answering the QUESTIONS that you’re asking?
I know from my own life experience, that having unanswered questions in my mind makes me feel a bit UNSETTLED.
That in turn, can render me INEFFECTIVE.
It Must Be My Fault
For a long time, the enemy would try to convince me that I MUST have offended God.
He must be punishing ME because I (of all people) know all my shortcomings.
If I listened to the enemy and the INNER ME…I would be defeated.
Instead, I resolve to FIGHT back!
Push In!
Don’t think for one second, that God will not answer us because of something that we’ve done wrong.
Having questions and doubts just clouds our minds and hinders us from having the clarity that we seek.
Like the woman with the issue of blood, we need to PUSH in, not let others keep us back and allow God’s miracle working power to bring us peace, understanding and great enlightenment.
Keep Calm
Often times, the REVELATION that we’re looking for is right beneath the surface of our condemnation and guilt.
We can’t allow reasoning about our HUMAN shortcomings keep us from walking close to God and hearing His voice speak to our heart.
When we take time to CALM DOWN and allow God’s Spirit to speak to us, we will begin to receive answers and CLARITY every time.