David and I try to work hard and do everything with excellence. However, this can be a daunting challenge that could rob us of our joy. I certainly believe that we should strive for PERFECTION, but still understand how to pause and ENJOY where we currently are.
To others, it might look like we’re going slower …but we’re really going FASTER!
Not What it Seems
Many times we see visionary leaders that step out with boldness, over-finance and get in trouble really fast. At first glance, the organization SEEMED like it was advancing and growing in a healthy way. But when we look closer, they’re really NOT getting ahead. They may actually be going slower or even backward because now they’re on an economic track to crumble and fail.
Eyes On The Prize
The remedy for such behavior is to kill the spirit of comparison in our lives. At some point, we should be content with what God has called US to do, and stop comparing our assignment with that of others.
Of course, Paul said in Philippians that we should continually PRESS FORWARD. So let’s keep looking ahead, keep going and doing and quit measuring ourselves against unrealistic standards.
Enjoying the journey that God has me on as I strive for excellence can be challenging at times. As long as I stay on God’s path I know it will be ok.
Thanks Pastor Nicole I appreciate how you speak into my life
I really need to here today’s message! Thanks.