Have you ever failed to enjoy the moment because you were still suffering a loss from the past? The past wasn’t meant to be carried into the future.
Focusing on the past limits what God is trying to do in your present and future.
Have you ever noticed the small size of the rearview mirror in a car as compared to the windshield? The rearview mirror is INTENDED to be used for QUICK GLANCES at what has happened behind you but our MAIN FOCUS should be looking at where we are headed, towards that huge window of OPTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES that is in front of us.
Imagine driving your car, with one item attached to your bumper for each negative thing that has ever happened to you in the past. That would probably ruin your gas mileage, strain your engine, wear on your tires and SLOW YOU DOWN!!!
Things from the past are ruining the “performance of your car” in the present!
Have you ever looked at a side view mirror on a car and noticed the little phrase at the bottom that says, “Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear?”
THAT is your BREAKTHROUGH and it is closer than it appears in the natural.
God has extraordinary plans for you in the future. Use your time, talent, and energy for the things God wants to bring into reality in the near future.
Today write down and begin to visualize your future COMING INTO VIEW this year. But remember, you won’t see it if you’re not looking ahead out of the “windshield” of your life.
Awesome word Pastor ♡
The past holds us back if we choose to allow it to. Great blog! Can’t wait to look out the windshield and use my peripheral vision to see what God has for me.
: )
I read this and loved it. It spoke to me about letting go Of the past in my life. It puts it in great perspective!!Very true..and I will continue to focus on what’s ahead vs what is left behind.
It seems easier said than done.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom!!
Sunny B.