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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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A Shot Of Encouragement


November 11, 2013


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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A Shot Of Encouragement

At the end of an exhausting day, I FINALLY collapsed into a chair around 11pm and tried to catch up on the hundreds of emails in my inbox.

We were scheduled to speak EARLY the next morning, but I was determined to try and answer as MANY emails as I could in the short time before bed.

Unfortunately, I ended up opening an email that contained some UGLY, unjust words that really HURT my feelings.

Instead of closing it and forgetting about it, I read it to David. Now HIS feelings were hurt, too.

Sleepless in St. Louis
GREAT! Now we’re BOTH discouraged. Nice move Nicole.

Sometime after midnight, we FINALLY stopped talking about it and TRIED to fall asleep.

It’s funny how DISCOURAGEMENT can come in a moment and end up consuming our whole day, if we LET it.

We knew we had to get the despair out of OUR hearts so we could wake up in the morning with the strength to encourage OTHERS.

I didn’t sleep much at all, and was up before the alarm. All I could think of was, “I NEED some encouragement!”

So I went straight for my BIBLE (and a cup of coffee)!!!

A Hidden Treasure
Then, as I was making coffee and opening my Bible, a little card FELL out. It was a personal note with a check inside.

Suddenly, I remembered! The night before, a woman had handed me an envelope and told me to slip it in my Bible for LATER.

In her card, she talked about how we had totally IMPACTED her life and really TOUCHED her family.

They were SO excited to be a part of our church…and enclosed was their FIRST tithe check to the church in Florida! Wow!!!

I cried.

Timing Is Everything
That was JUST what I needed to walk out into a bright world and start reaching people for Jesus again!

It was God’s perfect TIMING of encouragement.

• The fact that, she told me to put the card in my BIBLE, instead of my purse.

• The fact that, the hurtful email had arrived that SAME evening.

• The fact that, when I needed encouragement I went to my Bible, and there it was just WAITING for me! That’s so cool!

God Is In The Details!
I walked to the bedroom and handed David coffee and the card and said, ‘You have to read this RIGHT NOW.’ When he read it, tears welled up in his eyes, too.

God really DOES order our steps and work ALL things together for our good!

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23 (NLT)

I think GOD knew we would need lifting up that morning and prearranged the sequence of events as a delightful SHOT of ENCOURAGEMENT that He knew we would need right then!

He does the same for YOU!
I wanted to share this today to remind you, that NO MATTER what kind of rocks people throw at us, no matter how people may try to DISCOURAGE us, God is ON OUR SIDE ready to breathe life back into us at every moment.

God is good. God is on the throne and He’s lining things up, right now, to bring ENCOURAGEMENT into our lives!

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  1. Beth Blechle says:

    THE “JOY” COMES IN THE MORNING. I loved it & she is right you guys are the best, since we have been going to Faith Church we have grown in the Lord so much.

    We love you both, Blechle Family

  2. Rebecca says:

    P. Nicole,
    Thanking God at this very moment for God’s life that flows so freely thru you and P. David! I thank God as well for the spirit of faith, hope and love that LIFTS all who come in contact with you!
    You make a HUGE difference in the life of those who hear you, see you and know you!
    I am glad I am one of them!

  3. Kim says:

    Thank you for this post loved it. Needed it. Thank you and your family for all you do. Glad to be growing with you in HIM. ^

  4. Angie Jones says:

    Last week when I was not sure if God was listening to my prayers he too showed his light in so many ways and I smiled and looked up and said…”You are so good!” It was a reminder that he is always there and always listening! Great reminder to me and GREAT blog!

  5. kelli says:

    I really needed to hear this this morning. I have had alot of thing going wrong in my life this and alot of good. I had a rough pregnancy with my son because I had to have soon cancer taken out of my cervix while pregnant and im having alot of heart ache with my daughter and her dad. My daughter seems to hate me half the time because her dad and step mother have convinced her I gave up on her and don’t want her when that’s not even close to being true. I feel like I can’t breath no more and some days I just feel like giving up. Fighting a battle I may never win hurts. As a mother one of your biggest fears in life is failing tour children. I’m only 25 but knowing one of my children hates me and thinks I dont love them breaks my heart in more way anyone could ever imagine. I feel that its all my fault because I dont have the money to go to court and it kills. I made a promise to my kids I would fight for them no matter for how ever long it takes and I feel I’m in a hole helpless and thank u for this message. If may not help in some ways but some ways it does thank you

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Kelli – wow thank you for being so open with what you are going through. I’m thrilled that my blog was able to speak to you in some areas and I will be keeping you in my prayers as you move through this situation. Just remember that God is always with you and He leads and guides us where we need to go and what we need to do.



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