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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Are You Enough?


July 8, 2013


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Sometimes Do You Wonder If You’re Enough?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I wonder if I’m STRONG enough or COURAGEOUS enough to do the things that God wants me to do.

This morning, I’m sitting on my deck reading about Joshua.

God, Himself, had to remind Joshua on THREE separate occasions (all within a very short period of time) to be strong and courageous!

I think He must have gotten tired of ASKING Joshua, so the third time the Bible says, God COMMANDED him. “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

Even Heroes Need Help

It’s reassuring that even a great Bible HERO like Joshua needed a little encouragement, too! 🙂

God knows that we’re easily swayed by our FEELINGS.

But we can’t allow the world, the enemy or people who have NO IDEA what they’re talking about, to move our feelings…and therefore move our DESTINY.

God wrote it down for us so we can be BOLD!
“…take possession of the land the Lordyour God is giving you.” Joshua 1:10 (NLT)

Get Ready!

So I want to encourage us all to be prepared. HOW?

• Subscribe to BLOGS that lift up our spirits.
• Read BOOKS that expand our vision.
• Study our BIBLES to get closer to God.
• Lineup with PEOPLE who can speak into our future.

Then when God says go! We GO!!!
God is WITH us!

Courage can be defined as: “the POWER to withstand FEAR”.

We CAN go in and POSSESS the land which God has given us, and we won’t be nervous or afraid!

We are STRONG and have good COURAGE for the Lord our God is with us!

Is God asking you to start something new…something that you’re feeling a little fearful about? Be very COURAGEOUS and share your thoughts with us.

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  1. Thank you for this powerful story. This is just what I needed for today. In branching out with Jer-Ne Ministries, I was fearful and at times, I can still feel as though I am alone now. I trust that because this is something that He has called me to do, I must be obedient and carry it forth, even when it looks like nothing is happening. He will place the right people in my path and He will provide everything that I need. I am COURAGEOUS!!!!!
    Blessings to you and your Ministry!

  2. emily says:

    I have this huge desire to change jobs, m myy current job consumes almost all my time and energy. I have been with this job for six years, my kids were babies back then but are groiwng up and im missing out on somuch. I don’t know what to do or where to begin. I am really ready to just walk away and see where/ what God has for me….I feel like he is telling me to jump and he will catch me but it is all so much…

    • Nicole Crank says:


      It’s always a good idea to saturate any big moves or shifts we make with prayer before making our decision! It might be a good idea to make sure you God is lining up a new job opportunity for you before quitting your current one!

  3. Betsy Arnold says:

    Thank you SO much for sharing this, and for everything!! God is definitely telling me to start something new…a business of my own as a music therapist! I just completed the degree and training. This may sound like I am a college age student…in my 20’s…but you see, I’m not. I am 48 years old. 18+ years of my life were spent as caregiver of my wonderful husband, who had 2 blood diseases and cancer. He was 43 years old when God called him home in 2009. Dale, my late husband, believed that music therapy was God’s call for me. I had always been a musician and songwriter, and a caregiver, always taking care of others, and sometimes taking care of them through music that God laid on my heart to share. Since my husband’s death, I have completed my degree and training as a music therapist. I have been actively job hunting since last October, to no avail. God has laid on my heart to start my own contracting business as a music therapist. I have been volunteering music therapy for hospices in the St. Louis area, and have volunteered music for years at adult day cares and nursing homes. I have attempted to start my own businesses in the past, because working for myself allowed time that I could spend with my husband, taking care of him, and being with him for every doctor and specialist appointment, treatments, and hospital stays through the years, and also to provide in home hospice care for him when the time came. I wouldn’t trade that time with him for anything. That was my career, I had no other career. I have no regrets. But I also now have no money, and am in deep debt with student loans and mortgage payments. But God is calling me to do this. I know in my heart of hearts that this is what He wants. But I am scared, of failure; of stepping out on my own and taking risks and not succeeding. Of losing my house while I am trying to get this business off the ground. Of losing everything if it doesn’t succeed. But I know too that if God has called me to it, He will get me through it and there are so many people I can help through music therapy, even people going through grief, like me. I believe that is what He wants me to do, too. Thank you again for this reminder for us all to be strong and courageous! You are amazing!

  4. Melanie says:

    OMG! Thank you for this encouragement. For some time now, I have been doing the things you listed, as well as praying about it, etc. I have been working on an idea of what to do with writing talent. In the past year, I have come up with an idea for a spiritual blog, with definite ideas to post; as well as a clever title that would translate into cards, plaques, T-shirts. (Not trying to be mercenary about it, but I’ve been out of work too long and need to produce income.) I have no money to start a small business, but really feel God is telling me to follow up with sharing spirituality through my creativity. In the past six to eight months, the idea keeps flowing with new input, which encourages me to believe it’s true. Things just keep clicking together. (And, lol, I keep humming the blog title as if it were a song! No joke…I think there’s a real hymn there…just need to come up with more lyrics (Scriptural) and compose the notes…except I don’t read music…lol!) The Lord needs to keep working in mysterious ways. Luv you, Pastor Nicole. Thanks again!

  5. Jenny says:

    This is exactly what I needed to read this morning. I have been nervous about two interviews that I have lined up. They are both career material and I am nervous about not being good enough to make this type of change from my current job into such a role. I so badly want and need my financial situation to turn around and I want to take on new responsibilities so I can have the bright future I envision. I take this blog as a sign of encouragement from God that I need to be confident and excited about these opportunities and rock those interviews with courage and confidence. Thank you!

  6. Shonda Wilson says:

    To start my business

  7. Christine Collier says:

    Thanks for the reminder Pastor Nicole- The enemy every single day try’s to drain my spiritual energy but this was just another reminder that God provides us with his tools and fellow worshippers to carry our cross and never ever take out eyes off him! Love Faith Church and the community is blessed to have pastors as such !

  8. chris says:

    i really appreciate your writing and Dave’s as well .My fiance just left me out of nowhere with no reason . its hard when i don’t have the answer or any closure its the hardest thing i have ever encountered .It takes alot to get up everyday when you have lost your best friend .I know there is a reason for all this but its hard to see the light when your life turns dark. I love what i get out of faith church and i hope to come out on top. Thank u for doing what u do.

    • Nicole Crank says:


      Keep surrounding yourself with people who will help encourage you and bring you closer to God in this hard time. Praying for you, stay faithful to The Lord because He has your best interest in mind!

  9. jasmine brown says:

    I have the chance to move up in the company I am currently with. The only thing is that I have the skills and numbers but they seem to make you jump through hopes. I actually do not want to even stay with this company. The way the treat their employees and the lack of communication makes me dread each day. I have to do it because my hubsand has been out of work for sometime and we have a son. I wanted to become a supervisor for a while but I don’t feel it right to have me jump through hopes and not get any closer to promotion. I feel used. I thought the promotion would mean I could relocate to help my hubby find another job in another state but I don’t believe in the company. I feel sometimes the Lord shows me things that changes my mind, I’m just afraid of waisting my time and being used.

    • Nicole Crank says:


      Keep your head up and continue to work hard. God will reward the diligent! Also, if you stay faithful, you will find favor with God and with man. Maybe a new (better) job is headed your way!
      Thanks for sharing! 🙂



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