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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Lions & Tigers & David Gets Bit… Oh My (Video)


May 15, 2012


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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I was walking down the road and ran into a lion. Seriously.

It was an unbelievable opportunity! We whipped out our iPhones and started recording the experience.

Then as we were trying to shoot a clip for our St Louis women’s conference, The Circus 2012, we got video of the lion biting David in the back! Oh my!

David Crank bit by Lion

Have you ever felt like you were wrestling lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) in life?

I sure have… especially on this particular day when we were allowed to pet and play with them. Then I had the crazy idea to talk about our women’s conference because playing with a lion and tiger is one of the most death defying acts I could imagine!

After feeding him a bottle, I got right down on the ground with the baby tiger (yeah, they were babies. I’m not crazy!). Then I started talking about how this conference is going to have a lot of unexpected surprises.

Of course, life has a lot of unexpected surprises!

I’d say happening upon a lion and a tiger in the road is unexpected. But I have a feeling God knew this was going to happen! After all, the Bible talks about meeting lions in the road.

The lazy man says, “There is a lion in the road! A fierce lion is in the streets!” — Proverbs 26:13 (NKJV)

Many times the enemy tries to make things look so scary, so unattainable, so impossible, and so ferocious that it becomes our reason for not living out our destiny.

If it looks too dangerous, too hard, and too scary, we decide to play it safe.

But the Bible says that the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion. It doesn’t say that he is a roaring lion. He’s just making a lot of noise. He has no bite. He was defeated on the Cross over 2000 years ago.

So what opportunities are you missing?

What reward is beyond not allowing the enemy to keep you in fear?

It takes courage, tenacity and an “I will do it” attitude to face the lions and tigers in life. And you don’t have to face them alone. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Don’t let the fact that there is a lion in the road (or what seems to be a lion in the road) keep you from anything. If you keep moving forward, you might just find out that the lion you were so afraid of was just a kitten casting a large shadow.

The Circus 2012

If today’s blog has helped you put your fears into perspective, then this year’s women’s conference is just for you. The Circus 2012 is designed to lead you to Godly confidence, courage and strength! And men, if you want to go, you can go for free – just volunteer.

Following God doesn’t mean that a baby lion won’t sneak up on you and try to bite you in the back (it happened to David!), but the reward is so worth it!

What lions have you faced?

Tell us about it and give us courage!

And please don’t forget to buy your ticket before the premium tickets are gone and the price goes up May 31!

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  1. tina yaeger says:

    Pastor Nicole,

    The Circus 2012 is going to be the best conference yet. I am so excited! Love my Church, Love my Pastors, my family in Christ Jesus. I really enjoy your blogs Pastor Nicole please don’t stop.

    All My Love,


  2. Katrina says:

    Great Message word and very encouraging! Watch out for the “Lions” in our life!

  3. Angie Jones says:

    As a mom….we face lots of things each day!!! Sometimes it feels like I am living in a circus!! God is my ringmaster and guides me through each day! Love my husband and children!

  4. Bonnie says:

    This will be my mother-in-law and I’s 4th year of coming to the Women’s Conference, we are excited. I have to say though after last year I wondered if you could pull off a better conference, but each year we are amazed at everything planned and blessed for being a part of it. Daughters of Faith- 4 years and counting!!

  5. Lori says:

    Thank you so much Pastor Nicole. This was an amazing message on fear, and facing the lions in our life. Very helpful and thought provoking. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  6. Debbie V says:

    The past few years have been my lion! First losing our home to foreclosure, then my husband moving out and a few short weeks later losing my job, then the divorce. After just a few days shy of 2 weeks of unemployment I got my new job! I learned during that time that pushing through it all with God’s help was the way to go. With out him and a great church like Faith Church St. Louis it’s hard to say where I’d be right now! Thank you Pastor Nicole and Pastor David!

  7. Gwen says:

    Thank you for this uplifting article. I fight tigers and lions everyday in my business and my personal life have been filled with plenty lately also. This article puts fear in prospective, I agree through Christ we can achieve anything. I will sign up for the woman’s conference as soon as I get up in the morning.

  8. Debra Sanders says:

    Last year I got to dress up like a princess and bring my mom in law! This year I get to find a new animal print outfit and bring 4 others from my new home church, and bless two more in the St Louis area with a nights stay with us in the Millennium hotel!!! I am really excited to be coming this year, and I pray I will grow even more in “Godly confidence, courage and strength”! Thank you, Pastors David and Nicole, for having a bigger vision all the time!!!

  9. faye wenger says:

    realized ive been fighting lions for a long time you are helping me to tame them ty to you and pastor dave.

  10. Tyler Kelley says:

    I was reading Job this morning and I came across this scripture in Job 4:10-11 which is right in line with what you’re talking about here:

    “The lions may roar and growl, yet the teeth of the great lions are broken. The lion perishes for lack of prey, and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.”

  11. Cherry Tayon- Nolan says:

    Powerful Vietnam Video.I sooooo needed that after finding out the cost of medical insurance after divorce is finalized. I Thank God and you for that awesome witnessing about reflection, and the ones who have gone before us. It is a peaceful, loving reminder of Gods reflection through Jesus Christ. Jesus goes before us to our Heavenly Father in prayer. Then he comes to us and walks the stone path with us, delivering Gods answered prayer.
    I can’t stop crying tears of joy, admiration, love peace, mercy , grace for our Amazing God. Praise, honor, and glory to God.,
    Pastor Nicole you are a genuine mentor for all ages and gender. God reflects in your life, marriage, and family. Thanks be to God



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