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What If You’re Closer Than You Think? I have a four-year-old in my life – Liam. He’s the most adorable little guy, full of energy and curiosity. But like any kid, he gets frustrated when things don’t go his way. If he spills something, messes up, or even gets in trouble, we don’t scold him […]
These declarations will set the tone for your day, your future and your life!
Grab Them For Free →
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Ooooops! Did I just say that out loud?
Have you ever caught yourself letting words escape your mouth… without totally thinking about them?
I mean, they may have seemed okay, at the time. But, maybe you were mad or hurt when you said them?
(Ummm… guilty!)
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It’s time to get NAKED! (Well… emotionally, anyway.)
Have you ever felt totally vulnerable? EXPOSED? Felt like everyone can see your flaws?
I was in a meeting, one day, and this person was all for the decision to be made. But later, in another meeting, this SAME person was now totally against it!
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It’s time to get NAKED! (Well… emotionally, anyway.)
Have you ever felt totally vulnerable? EXPOSED? Felt like everyone can see your flaws?
I was in a meeting, one day, and this person was all for the decision to be made. But later, in another meeting, this SAME person was now totally against it!
(What’s up with that?)
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God got on my case when I started sharing with Him what I needed.
(That’s not a totally accurate picture.)
I was THINKING about all I needed, but not really praying all the way about it. And yet God still responded.
(Wow, that’s faithfulness!)
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What are you running FROM that you should be running TO?
(Maybe… it’s not what you think.)
Is it hurtful comments? Idiotic opinions? Harsh criticisms? Sassy slights?
Sometimes, it seems easier to just STUFF down all those hurts until we can’t see them anymore.
(At least that shuts them up. Right?)
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