Jesus was constantly dealing with tremendous problems!
• John the Baptist was jealous of Him.
• His own town didn’t believe in Him.
• Peter denied Him.
• Judas betrayed Him.
• The disciples didn’t catch on as quickly as He wanted them to.
• The Jews wanted to stone Him.
• He had massive haters in the community. (Biblical Twitter of His time.)
Jesus was surrounded by hungry masses and somehow it became His responsibility to feed them. Blind men begged Jesus for sight. Demon-possessed psychos chased after Him for deliverance. All the sick, hurting and broken people flocked to Him for help.
How do you build a ministry team out of that? But, when problems presented themselves, Jesus didn’t complain. He improved.
So, if Jesus Christ had to deal with a boat load of problems, what makes us think we’d be immune?
Truthfully, we’re often guilty of creating many of our own bad situations. We allow problem relationships, problem employers and problem financial situations onto our boat.
All those problems are just taking up valuable space and slowing us down. We think everything is fine, for now, because we’re comfortable with them.
We get complacent and don’t want to force any changes to improve our situation, because change is hard!
But, we need to throw some of that dead weight overboard and make room on our boat for Jesus!
Sometimes, a boatload of problems can lead to creative solutions that can change our lives for the better. Jesus told us not to be afraid of a little trouble.
“In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (ESV)
I appreciate this message and received it with joy, because so often we allowed the Troubles of Our Lives to overtake our lives and put Jesus out of the boat when he is in control of the water and the waves and the wind I was getting to where we supposed to be. I am so thankful that you sent this message out because it came at the right time and I thank you for being God’s delivery of the word
Funny how things seem to come right on God’s good timing! I will be praying for you!
I truly enjoyed the message yesterday!!! I was telling everyone at work how powerful the Word was and how God used you to simply it in today’s world. Thank you.
We allow these problems to creep up in our lives, and don’t take action to get rid of them. And we often bring people in our life to make up for the void that’s there. We just need to trust and believe that God has a plan. Keep God in the boat he will guide you in the right direction. Keep negative people out and God in your life.
I really enjoy this message ,you really have to get people out of your boat if they are not going any where. Kick out the problem and let it go from your life because you don’t need it any way.
Bring God in the boat and let him lead you in the right direction because he knows all.
I can read your message over and over and just meditate on ever word.
Thank you.
My husband and I have been unable to attend church due to having to work two jobs. We have been blessed with the ability to watch you late at night on TV. As well, the Podcast keeps us blessed with the word of god so elegantly brought by yourself, and David. We really appreciate these abilities and Social Media. This message here hit home. We will overcome. We will see our problems disappear as long as we see it through and keep God as our priority as we have with our ability right now. We’ve spoken that if Weldon Springs comes along with a weekly night service. We will be there! Until then, we await our prayers to be answered with finances, that allows us to attend your services in person.
Bless you for all you do.