Morning is my “Hi God Time” and my porch is where I usually go with a big cup of hot tea to study and pray.
It’s quiet, so peaceful, and a great place to watch the sunrise. I can just relax, read, and talk to God.
But before I know it, I really start getting into it… praying louder and sometimes crying.
One morning I got kind of emotional. I was praying and pacing and sobbing and SNIFFLING until I had… ummm… drainage! (Gross, right?)
Suddenly, I just needed to SPIT!
In MY mind, I was gonna turn my head and then spit way off the porch, with authority. (Like Kate Winslet in Titanic.) Lol
But in reality, it was much more PATHETIC. It dropped like wet cement and landed just barely beyond my toes. (Yuck!)
What I had envisioned in my mind, and what I could ACTUALLY accomplish, were two very different things.
The same thing happens when we try to go it alone, in our own strength. Without God, our grand notions of success often fall miserably SHORT of the perfect plan that He’s designed for us. We arrogantly think:
“I CAN decide my own career path.”
“I CAN find the perfect mate for life.”
“I CAN buck up and get through this tough time, MYSELF!”
I… I… I… ME… ME… ME! What do we need God for?
God, we need You for EVERYTHING! You’re our doctor in the sickroom. You’re our lawyer in the courtroom. You’re our unwavering STRENGTH, in every situation!
God, we will lean and rely only on YOU!
Apparently, our flesh can’t do as much as we think it can. I can’t even SPIT!
Have you tried something, lately, that didn’t go quite like you’d planned? (Show me a raised hand.)
My NEW book “Hi God, One More Thing” is at the printer. Reserve your FREE copy, today! Click HERE to sign up right now. And join me Thursday mornings at 7:00 AM (CST) on Facebook LIVE as we Wake – Pray – Slay, together!