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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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You Can’t Make Everyone Happy


February 24, 2017


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Who is it that said, “you can make some people happy some of the time, but you can’t make all of the people happy all of the time.”?

And yet we still try. And get all freaked out when we fail and people are miffed, offended, upset, displeased, and…well, get their underpants in a bind over something they might not even remember next week.

Don’t worry about making everybody happy. It’s physically impossible. Not even God can make everybody happy!!!

As long as you are following God, doing your best to please Him…THAT is everything. Do that and some days you might have to let the phone ring, delete the email before reading, give social media a break (it will still be there when you back), and put your text on do not disturb.

Peace darling. Not worrying about pleasing people and just pleasing God will bring you remarkable, beautiful, sought-after peace. And then, get yourself that cupcake ????

I talked on my Facebook Live about giving out my confessions MP3 on my blog. That will come out on Monday. If you want a copy make sure you get to my blog and subscribe so I can send it right to your inbox!

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  1. Pauline says:

    Thank you Pastor Nicole. I truly needed the confirmation. I’ve done this all my life until no

  2. Susan says:

    Thank you for blessing us with your words of Wisdom. You and Pastor David are so real and approachable. I look forward to every message!
    We all have our situations we are dealing with and your perspective helps to put things back right. Thank you

  3. Sarah Tate says:

    Pastor Nicole,
    Your message last night @ Sunset was exactly what I needed. (I usually find that all of the messages are exactly what is needed at that moment). To be honest, I arrived in tears & they just kept coming all through service, all the way home and into the middle of the night. I was constantly praying for God to remove the doubtful thoughts in my head. The devil has tried to break me down all week & place doubt and heartache in my mind. I didn’t sleep well last night, waking up almost every hour. But, I did wake up this morning feeling better as though God defeated him once again overnight. I got up this morning & came to many Conclusions which I thought I should jot down and read over and over and over again (Wax on, Wax off). Because of your message & God’s love, I feel more at peace today. So Thank you & God Bless. I love you, Pastor David & your family. And I feel Blessed to have you in and a part of our lives.

    I feel compelled to share my Conclusions. Maybe one day they’ll help someone else too.

    1. You deserve the best
    2. You are loved.
    3. You can’t let the devil play games with your mind. Stop letting him out doubt in your thoughts.
    4. You control your mind & your thoughts.
    5. God has a plan for you & your story is already known to Him.
    6. God’s plan is greater than what you can imagine or want for yourself.
    7. You don’t deserve to be abused emotionally/mentally.
    8. You don’t deserve to be used emotionally/mentally/physically/financially or any other way (not of God)
    9. You don’t deserve to be a secret.
    10. You don’t deserve to be anyone’s second choice or side piece.
    11. You don’t deserve to be unhappy.
    12. You don’t deserve to be un-loved.

    You DO deserve to be loved.
    You DO deserve to be proud of & shown off.
    You DO deserve to be happy.
    You DO deserve to be able to share your happiness with the world. (If you please)
    You DO deserve honestly.
    You DO deserve trust.
    You DO deserve loyalty.
    You DO deserve love.
    YOU DO deserve joy.
    You DO deserve to be desired.
    You DO deserve to be thought of.
    You DO deserve to be someones concern.
    You DO deserve the Truth.
    You DO deserve the Best.
    You DO deserve GOD’S blessings.
    You DO deserve to have a beautiful/wonderful boyfriend/husband/kids/family.

    You DO deserve to be someone’s love and choice.

    You ARE Beautiful
    You ARE Loved
    You ARE Kind
    You ARE Caring
    You ARE Humble
    You ARE Joyful
    You ARE Happy
    You ARE Amazing
    You ARE Wonderful
    You ARE GOD’S daughter & creation

    May God continue to Bless you & All His work you do for Him, for us, and for others around the World.



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