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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Can’t Stop Someone With A Plan!


July 9, 2014


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Can't Stop Someone With A Plan!

Have you ever had a long year? I think I know the answer. Can you imagine having 12 of them in a row?

There’s a woman in the Bible who had a disease for 12 years. One translation says “LONG years”. When we’re in a fight of faith, time can really seem to crawl.

She had SUFFERED a great deal from many doctors and over the years spent everything she had to pay them.

We can all relate to that. I especially hate going to the doctor for a 3 o’clock appointment and then being kept waiting in a COLD room (why do they keep them 60 degrees?) until 4:00. (Sorry doctors…I had to say it.)

Had Enough?
She finally reached the point in her life where she was ready to do WHATEVER necessary to get her miracle.

The throngs of people crowded around Jesus that day must have seemed completely OVERWHELMING to her. But she had a plan!

She had tenacity that said, “No matter what… I’m NOT leaving today without my miracle!!!

“…having done all, stand.” Ephesians 6:13 (NKJV)

When physically and mentally we’ve exhausted every ounce of energy we have, God says to KEEP standing!!

This woman had a holy determination that fueled her past weakness and physical pain, until she finally got her audience with Jesus and was made WHOLE.

She wasn’t JUST healed. All the years of her life that she’d lost through misery and financial setbacks were RESTORED to her. How cool is that?

The Big Turnaround
If we stand STRONG we won’t be standing long!

She had been down for 12 years, but her FAITH freed her in less than 12 seconds!

When our checkbook reports a negative balance, we STAND. When the joy is gone from our marriage, we STAND. When the report from the doctor seems hopeless, we STAND and STAND FIRM!

When we make that conscious decision to STAND, our problems will begin to CRUMBLE from the inside out.

We just have to make sure that we don’t break DOWN before we break THROUGH!

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  1. Sharon Ward says:

    Fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Angie Jones says:

    Stand. When you have done all you can do…STAND!

  3. Lori says:

    This is an amazing reminder of what God tells us to do. Thank you Pastor Nicole.

  4. Keeley Kesterson says:

    Thank you! I needed this today. I was recently introduced to Faith Church from a friend, Kim Stuart.
    I was raised in a Pentecostal church where I was subjected to years of humiliation at the behest of the pastor. When I turned 18, I moved away and really haven’t been to church much in the past 12 years. I have visited churches but never felt moved by the Spirit. It’s also been the hardest 12 years of my life. Kim told me about the app and I got it and I have listened to you and Pastor Dave every day for the last month. I feel God moving in my life and slowly unveiling my purpose(which for the past 12 years, I tried to make my own path without really asking God what He wanted me to do and all it has gotten me is pain and disappointment). I’ve been experiencing the devil work against me harder than ever this past month…which I believe means I’m getting closer to God’s purpose for me. While I still feel lost on my path, I know now that I’m never alone. I have every intention of coming to service, but my past experiences have me dragging my feet on it. I will get there though. Until then, I’m listening, learning and receiving your encouragement. I appreciate you more than I could even try to express.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Keeley, thank you so much for commenting! I’m so sorry that you went through all of that. I’m so happy though that God’s been working in your life. 🙂 I love that listening to the messages are encouraging you, & I look forward to the day you walk through our doors. God has a huge plan for your life, & I’m excited to see where He takes you. The devil’s going to fight you–that’s a fact. But you have a God who’ll fight back on your behalf. 🙂 I’m praying for you!

    • Melissa says:

      Wow I grew up with a grandfather that was an Assembly of God preacher for 47 yrs love that man and rest his soul but I relate more to Pastor Dave and Nicole as well thanks for sharing and I’m glad I’m not alone! ❤️❤️❤️

    • Christina says:

      Pin my tail and call me a dokyne, that really helped.

  5. Terri says:

    Thanks Paster Nicole, I needed this right this minute!! God bless you!

  6. Melissa Woods says:

    Hi there Nicole I am new to this site and I have a dear friend that is bringing me to y’all’s church in earth city on Sunday! I have suffered addiction for many many years and I am completely and utterly spiritually emotionally legally and financially bankrupt! I have tried for many years doing aa and I can’t , get sober but can’t seem to keep it! I grew up in church and I believe wholeheartedly but I backslide so much!! I’m so so hungry for more and more of Jesus that I’m sitting here in tears as I’m writing this! I need prayers and a miracle so so bad but I feel selfish in asking for one! I have 2 beautiful boys that need me so much to show them the right way to live! I have managed to betray my kids so many times that I’m finding it harder and harder to forgive myself! I manged in my few stints of sobriety to go back to school and obtain my RN at the age of 41 but as soon as I got it a yr later it was taken away! Not because of hurting anyone as I love ole to help others but because of my choices to run away from myself and God and pick up that drink again!! I am so hungry I want to help others like myself and I want to learn more about him to be a better woman and mother and child of Gods! Please please help!! Thanks for listening and reading!
    Melissa Woods!

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Melissa, God forgives you. No matter how many times you fall, He will always be there to catch you. People like to paint this picture of God as one who is ready to whack us on the top of our head as soon as we make a mistake, but nothing could be further from the truth. The enemy wants us to believe that, because if we do… We’ll run to other things (drugs, alcohol, & etc.) instead of the one we need to run to the most (God). You see God is like our power source–our outlet–and we are like a lamp. When we get plugged into God we are filled with light & there’s no room for darkness. That’s why the enemy tries to keep us away. God has a plan and a purpose for your life, Mindy. He loves you & wants to help you. Let Him. Run to Him when you make a mistake, & be confident in His love for you. 🙂 I’m praying for you.

  7. sherri richmond says:


  8. Johanna says:

    Since I’ve been introduced to you i’m a new person and never want to ur teachings. I know that GOD has a plan for every one, including me. But sometimes I turn to get angry when things dnt go my way, thinking that GOD is not listening to me. I really am trying to stay in faith but it’s hard when things go wrong. I’ve beeing wantng to buy a house for a long time noe but beeing rejected by the banks and renting is beein difficult as the owners keep throwing me out. I have to move from one place to another and it’s been hard. I need your prayers now more than ever. But still I know everything is possible through CHRIST who is strenthening me. Thank you so much for beein in my life.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Johanna, this is one of the best comments I have received. 🙂 Thank you. You’re going to make it. I know you will. Sometimes it’s so easy to give up, but once we hit that point..Usually our breakthrough is just around the corner. “Don’t drown in shallow water” when you’ve come so far. 🙂 God said He will provide all your needs, and He always keeps His promises. Just keep declaring it. Praying for you!



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