Are you ready for The Circus?
“If you can’t ride two horses at once, you shouldn’t be in the circus.”
Clever… huh?
But I wonder… what takes more skill…
The acrobat who can stand on the bare back of a galloping horse?
Or the balancing act we women perform daily as we jump through life’s flaming hoops?!
Many of us wake up at the crack of dawn to prepare breakfast, pack lunches and defrost the family dinner.
We dress the kids, mend our spouse’s shirt, shower, dress ourselves and deal with our own bad hair day—all before morning coffee.
Then there’s carpooling to school and navigating rush hour to get to our other job (just in time).
After a full shift, it’s time to stop for groceries, pick up the dry cleaning and fight the traffic back home.
As soon as we walk through the door, everyone’s waiting for the answer to that burning question, “What’s for dinner?”
So who’s the true daredevil?
Who performs the more impressive stunts?
Once a year, the Faith Church St. Louis women’s conference allows women like you and I to get together to celebrate our God-given talents and refresh our passion for life and living.
This year’s conference, The Circus 2012, will take place June 8-9, 2012. I invite you to join us.
The Circus 2012 will inspire you through entertaining theatrics, electrifying worship and insightful teaching including a very special message from my dear friend Joni Lamb of Daystar Television Network.
I can’t wait!
Meet Me at The Circus
I want to personally invite you to join me at this year’s women’s conference.
Please take a moment to register yourself and all the women in your life for a ticket to all the fun and thrills of this life-changing conference.
Early registration is happening right now. Click here to register today.
In the Comments
In closing, let’s remember to be supportive of those hardworking sister-friends who struggle “in the circus” like you and I.
Proverbs 12:25 says, “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”
If you know someone who is having a difficult time right now, share this blog with them then leave an encouraging comment below.
I’ll see you soon… under the big top!
So looking forward to this year’s conference! Always refreshing, fun, and thought provoking!
Faith Church St. Louis Women’s Conferences are the BOMB!!! Every year they get better and better. This year “The Circus” will be phenomenal!
Please don’t miss it!!! You probably won’t see me, but I will be there!https://thecircus2012.com/register/
Each year the Woman’s Conference gets better and better! This year is going to be over the top!!! So, gather some friends and join us…you won’t be disappointed!! Hope to meet you at the Circus 2012!
Women’s conference have been stretching the envelope every single year!! This year will be amazing without a doubt!!